Tastes nature – with Pannatura

On March 25th, Pannatura, under the title “Tasting nature”, invited to the annual Pannatura breakfast this time to the “Collina am Berg” restaurant in Vienna. As part of the press conference, the milestones of the previous year were presented in the areas of agriculture and forestry as well as nature conservation, hunting and fishing. Furthermore, current projects and cooperation of the current financial year were presented.

DI Matthias Grün, chairman of the board of Esterhazy Betriebs AG, gave an annual review at the beginning: 2024 was round 147 employees A turnover of Ꞓ 42.3 million (+4 % to 2023).

Despite the tense market situation, thanks to the forward-looking planning in forestry and agriculture a wide variety of challenges are successfully met: In the area of ​​agriculture, approx. 4.500 to Organic market fruits harvested – the main cultures were there Wheat, soy, corn and Brewing barley. In the areas of forestry as well as service and trade produced and marketed Pannatura in total approx. 290,000 FM wood on over 70 woodworking companies. In the food sector could Plactions and collaborations are successfully implemented in food retail, organic specialist trade and gastronomy. In the meat factory 135 to Wild, 15 to bio beef and 1.7 to organic sun pigs Refined in the highest quality quality and largely marketed regionally.

In new splendor: Experience destination Bio-Landgut Esterhazy

The Bio-Landgut Esterhazy in Donnerskirchen has with its daily hoperegular Family festivals and more extraordinary Culinary as well as the farm of game and organic angus specialties when Experience destination further developed on the western reed belt of Lake Neusiedler. With the Restaurant “Zum Gogosch” and the connected Markthalle Kulinarium Burgenland It has also been considered a gastronomic meeting point since autumn 2024. What distinguishes the organic state is that transparency In all processes and the careful work with nature, the interested parties seven days a week Be able to experience up close at the farm – be it on the field, in production or on the plate. This was only used after just a few months in full operation with the Future Award from Gault & Millau as well as 2 forks from Falstaff awarded for the Gogosch restaurant. In addition, the gogosch of Falstaff As part of the Restaurantguides 2025 As one of the restaurants with the most beautiful guest gardens and terraces appointed in Burgenland.

Through diverse Events In 2024 the awareness of the Bio-Landgut Esterhazy was further increased. So found in May The third biofold days at the Esterhazy organic goods and lured round 10,000 visitors and about 1,000 students to. In addition, they could Over 3,500 interested forest visitors in September at the second WALDTAGEN At the Leithaberg near Eisenstadt take a picture of sustainable forest management.

Strong partnerships

Without the long -term cooperation With well -known partners, no penetrating market effect would be possible – this applies to the processing and marketing of products, at events as well as in the formation of consciousness. “”The idea of ​​sustainability guides us in all of our actions. Therefore, we are grateful to count on the support of our cooperation partners in the context of long -term projects, which act on the same principle as we do ”, explained Matthias Grün After the introduction of the figures of the previous year. Some current projects were then presented by cooperation partners present.

Getting told Christina Mentthler-Spek, Managing Director of Ama-MARKETING GMBHvia another great award of the restaurant to the Gogosch at the Bio-Landgut Esterhazy, namely with the Seal of approval ama enjoyment regionthat took place last week. “”The seal of approval is a state -recognized characteristic that stands for guaranteed quality and regional origin among rural direct marketers, food manufacturers and restaurants. We are happy to be able to give the Gogosch restaurant this seal“, so Christina Mentthler-Speek About the award.

Then presented Stefan Kotynek, Sales manager the Stomach, together with Markus FritzMarketing, logistics and product innovation and authorized representative from Pannatura, exclusively the implementation of a dark variant of the bio-panier. “”As experts for High quality malt and baking ingredients As well as Pannatura, we are convinced: First -class ingredients are the prerequisite for excellent baked goods. The combination with the established classic Esterházy Bio-Planonier now enables various organic rye breads and small pastries to be produced in proven Pannatura quality “says Stefan Kotynek.

At the end of the press conference, many delicacies from the Pannatura range waited on site House chef Martin Feichtinger and managing director of the Collina restaurant on the mountain, Souravia applywere presented. “”We have been working in Collina on Berg since day 1 with Pannatura products and are firmly convinced that quality always prevails. We have also been able to convince ourselves several times of the care of Pannatura, which is looking for its same in Austria, which is why we are very proud of this close partnership“, is glad Souravia apply About the good cooperation.

More about creating Pannatura is up pannatura.at to find.

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