Tanner: FPÖ is a threat to the security of our country

Tanner: FPÖ is a threat to the security of our country

Sky Shield is spearheading the protection of our neutrality

Vienna (OTS) “FPÖ is a danger to the security of our country, to the security of all of us. Instead of providing constructive ideas for protecting Austria, they prefer to put the safety of our population at risk! Kickl is a security risk for our country!” says Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner to the FPÖ at the defense ministers’ meeting in Brussels. “Instead of spreading conspiracy theories and winning a few percent for the election, the FPÖ should inform itself better about the project and not endanger the protection of Austrians.”

Today, May 28, 2024, Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner signed the cooperation agreement, the so-called “Memorandum of Understanding” for the European initiative “European Sky Shield Initiative”, together with the Parliamentary State Secretary of Germany, Siemtje Möller, thereby taking the second step for the joint procurement initiative.

“By signing the Memorandum of Understanding, we are taking another important step for Austria’s security architecture today in order to increase our comprehensive defense capability many times over. We do this for our safety, for the safety of our children and grandchildren,” continued Tanner. She further adds that neutrality remains unaffected, as decision-making sovereignty will remain in Austria. “When we talk about the European protective umbrella, or this European initiative, we are talking about joint procurement. “That means nothing other than that we can procure the necessary air defense more quickly and cost-effectively, essentially two for the price of one,” explains the minister.

“Austria’s participation in Europe’s protective umbrella, i.e. in the European Sky Shield Initiative, is a necessary and important step to close the capability gaps in the area of ​​air defense and make Austria safer. We have to build a protective shield for and over Austria in order to protect ourselves from missiles and attacks from above. Neutrality is and remains our basis, our armed forces are the shield and Sky Shield will be the spearhead of our neutrality. There is not the slightest talk of joining NATO, it is an artificially constructed debate by the FPÖ.”

“We have always informed the national defense committees about the projects within the framework of the initiative and will continue to inform the relevant committees about them. These take place in parliament, in the presence of all parties, including the SPÖ,” says Tanner.

Already on July 7, 2023, the two neutral countries, Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner together with her Swiss counterpart, signed a letter of intent for the participation of Austria and Switzerland. In order to clarify the special character of the security and defense policy of Austria and Switzerland as part of the signing, the BMLV and the Swiss Ministry issued a joint written declaration on neutrality on the occasion of the signing. The addition “Joint Declaration” (neutrality clause) remains unaffected and maintained even when the cooperation agreement is signed in order to protect Austria’s legal provisions regarding neutrality.

With the signing of the “Memorandum of Understanding” (MoU), a so-called decision-making body is also set up, the so-called “ESSI Steering Committee”. This committee consists of one voting representative from each participant and decides unanimously.

Questions & Contact:

Federal Ministry of National Defense
Cabinet of the Federal Minister
Mag. Anna-Maria Roth
Press spokesperson for the Federal Minister

+43 050201 – 10 25147
Mobil +43 664 622 1173
Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Federal Ministry of National Defense
Cabinet of the Federal Minister
Wolfgang Zimmermann, MA
Press spokesman for the Federal Minister

Mobil +43 664 622 1347
Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Vienna, Austria

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