So much alcohol – imagine (and do) 108 sun salutations instead!
Photo: dpa
Howdy from Texas, dear readers, it seems to me as if we haven’t corresponded with each other for months, although the last time, as always, was two weeks ago, including in January, that ever-drawn-out first month of the year. I’ve already been through enough this January to fill all of 2025. On January 1st, hungover and whisper-cursing, I did 108 sun salutations in my yoga studio (which I haven’t visited for a long time but not often) and, because the media only talks about how unhealthy it is, I started to avoid alcohol ( still running). I overslept the next yoga class with significantly fewer sun salutations, but was able to stop myself from shopping (it won’t be long), watched the Golden Globes and realized that I hardly knew any of the award-winning series or films and then bought one » “Must see” list that I will most likely never check off.
Then I also survived our annual Texas “snowstorm” (with minus four degrees, two centimeters of snow and, most importantly, two days off school, because everything here shuts down at the slightest sign of ice) and attended a children’s birthday party where I was infected with the flu as a gift.
Talke talks
News from the Far West: Jana Talke lives in Texas and writes about the American and Americanized way of life.
And the month isn’t even over! Still to come this January: Martin Luther King Day, a Chinese New Year celebration, possibly yoga, and certainly shopping. Oh yes, and the inauguration of course. Not only will popular country singer Carrie Underwood be performing, but, drum roll, the Village People (yes, the one with the YMCA song) will be performing! The disco band had once threatened Donald Trump with legal action for playing their song on his campaign tours, but has now relented, apparently not because of the money. I’m really looking forward to the costumes.
The phenomenon that makes the dreary first month of the year seem longer than all other months combined, the “January blues,” is actually being investigated by scientists. They say that January is marked by a lack of dopamine due to our return to work and everyday life. All the good things are behind us: gifts, parties, decorations. What remains: bad weather, bad mood, unattainable goals. According to experts, depressed moods, fears and boredom make people feel as if time is moving more slowly than usual. And how unfair is that? Now we fast instead of eating, work and exercise instead of drinking and snoring, and then everything takes twice as long.
The news this month is also unpleasant, especially the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles, but also some announcements and statements from certain oligarchs, the election of the new US government cabinet, the annexation dreams of the future president and the announced Tiktok ban, which is seems to be dragging on much longer than January itself. There have been threats and fears for years and somehow the thing is still stubbornly hanging on on our cell phones and stealing from Americans (a third of the population are users!) waste their valuable lifetime. A decision should be made in a few days, or else it will be postponed, like most New Year’s resolutions are postponed in February.
I actually hope the app gets banned because I’m really addicted to it. The comedians from all over the world, the plastic surgeons who reveal how much Brad Pitt has had done to his face, the shopping tips from current and minimalism tips from former shopaholics, the recipes from top chefs or simply the crazy people who dance around in front of their dirty bathroom mirrors – you name it can no longer put the cell phone down. And I don’t have the mental resilience to give up alcohol, shopping and TikTok at the same time. Maybe the ban will finally give me time to watch all the films and series on my list. See you next time in February, dear readers, I can’t wait!
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