Stop malnutrition in old age!  – Media information about today’s press conference by the Austrian Relief Organization

Aid organization launches initiative against massively underestimated problem: inadequate nutrition and its consequences for older people as well as for the health and care system

Vienna (OTS) Malnutrition in old age is a highly relevant problem with significant implications. She leads to Muscle loss and increased Tendency to fallweakens the immune system, favors Infections and affects the Cognition. Quite a few Hospital admissions and early Need for care could be avoided if Austria addressed the problem seriously. Preventive avoidance of malnutrition would not only be economically makes sense, but would be significant human Sorrow impede.

The Aid agency therefore one starts Initiative against malnutrition in old age. “There is far too little awareness of how relevant the problem of inadequate nutrition is among older people and the devastating consequences that come with it. We want with our initiative raise awareness and informbut also specific act. That’s why we don’t just offer Advice, brochures and a Web portal on the topic, but also form ours Skilled workers continue in a targeted manner and begin Screening-Instrument a. This is also important multi-professional cooperationespecially with the medical profession and the Dietology“, so Elisabeth Anselm, Managing Director of the Austrian Relief Organization. The aid organization also calls for the implementation of a master plan against malnutrition in old age.

Relief organization: Seven-point plan against malnutrition in old age!

“It can’t be that ours Prosperous society One there of all places blind spot has where it’s about Nutrition for older and chronically ill people works,” says the aid organization’s president Othmar Karas. “Given the far-reaching effects must be our goal, Malnutrition in old age to fuses. Let’s no longer leave those affected and their relatives alone with their problems. Let us focus on prevention and timely and appropriate intervention. Let’s avoid unnecessary human suffering and relieve the burden on the health and care system“, Karas appeals and asks Aid organization master plan with seven demands an die Health policy before:

  1. Improving the data situation and evidence
  2. Involvement and sensitization of the professional groups working with those affected by malnutrition (doctors, nurses, social counselors, etc.)
  3. Expansion of low-threshold offerings for advice, support and strengthening of skills for those affected and their relatives (“dietological toolbox”)
  4. Implementation and financing of the integrated nutrition pathway
  5. Reducing bureaucracy when approving therapies and supplementary nutrition
  6. Expanding the circle of eligible people
  7. increased preventative focus (especially with additional nutrition)

Malnutrition causes suffering, follow-up costs and strain on the supply system

“We are already making rounds today 50 percent of all hospital days in Europe from People over 85 years old generated,” explains Regina Roller-Wirnsberger, Professor of Geriatrics and Head of the Research Department of Geriatric Medicine and Lifelong Health at the Medical University of Graz. “The key factor here is that frailty older people, which is very often associated with a deficient Nutritional status of those affected,” says Roller-Wirnsberger.

“Consequences of aging such as physical changes, such as chewing or swallowing problems, but also social and psychological challenges affect appetite, financial and cognitive problems affect the quality and regularity of nutrition. The state of health deteriorates, which further increases the need for nutrients. A disastrous one Downward spiralthat are individually great Sorrow and a total of one Burden on the health and care system leads, gets going,” says Roller-Wirnsberger.

It is necessary to reduce the frailty and dependency of older people and to maintain their quality of life and ability to care for themselves preventive, interdisciplinary interventions. If we prevent malnutrition across the board, we could Mortality in hospital or the Number of inpatient readmissions clearly to reducesays Roller-Wirnsberger. Unfortunately it’s about that supply landscape for prevention bad ordered. Roller-Wirnsberger, for example, refers to the Obstacles at the prescription more effective, preserving muscle mass and muscle strength Protein supplements. The health insurance provider provides for the duty of a senior doctor and specialist medical reports; the prescription is usually made at a late stage of the food shortage. Specialist findings are difficult to provide in private practice and referrals are required Dietitians find because of missing health insurance contracts hardly takes place. Also one systematic collection of data on the nutritional status of older people there is in this country not. If you convert figures from Germany to Austria, they fall in the inpatient and outpatient areas as well as in the care sector Costs of around 1.1 billion euros due to malnutrition in old age.

Warnings and measures against malnutrition in everyday life and in care

In order to prevent malnutrition and muscle loss, the dietician lays out Johanna Fattinger-Picker Movement and targeted Strength training close and sufficient Hydration and a varied and above all protein-rich food. The earlier you recognize nutritional deficiencies, the better the options for intervention. Fattinger-Picker advises older people and their relatives: “The first signs of inadequate nutrition can be lower performance, general weakness, fatigue or loss of appetite. A clear warning sign is weight loss. I therefore recommend regular weight checks: If the weight drops by 1 to 2 percent per week or 5 percent in a month, general medical and dietetic help should be sought“, recommends Fattinger-Picker.

Around 500 specialists from the aid organization are currently expanding their skills on the subject of nutrition in old age through various training measures. They learn to use scientifically recognized screening methods in everyday care, they advise those affected and their relatives and take care of the networking between care, medicine and dietetics“, reports Sabine Maunz, technical manager of care and support at the Austrian relief organization. The aid organization also relies on educational work that is as early and practical as possible. The newly released and available for free Brochure “Enjoy Healthy, Stay Active” offers practical tips for recognizing and dealing with malnutrition as well as basic knowledge about conscious nutrition in old age, with numerous tips and recipe ideas. The contents of the brochure are also online under available, information tidbits are available via Facebook and Instagram. The offer is rounded off by advisory services in the aid organization facilities as well as free advice Service-Hotline 0800 800 820 ab.

The aid organization is launching its annual initiative for 2024 strong partners such as Erste Bank and Sparkasse and Wiener Städtische Versicherung. Essity/TENA, Nestlé Health Science, Ornamin and Publicare support the aid organization in its current specialist focus.

Questions & Contact:

Relief organization Austria, federal office
Stomach. Barbara Tober
+43 1 4057500-222, Mobil: +43 676 8787 60207


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