Stocker: “Mr. Vilimsky, what connections do you have to Russia?”

Harald Vilimsky is toying with an Öxit and is accepting a loss of prosperity in return

Vienna (OTS) “Mr Vilimsky, what connections do you have to Russia? Harald Vilimsky did not answer this question in today’s ORF press session. When Harald Vilimsky says that there is nothing to spy on in the EU Parliament because all meetings take place in public, it shows that after 10 years as a member of parliament, Vilimsky simply does not understand his job. This ignorance is threatening. It is also threatening that the Kickl-FPÖ is sinking into a Russian espionage scandal and the Kickl-FPÖ’s friends in the EU Parliament, the AfD, are sinking into a Chinese espionage scandal. One thing is clear: the right-wing extremist parties in the EU Parliament threaten Europe’s security. With Herbert Kickl, the FPÖ is not only the gateway for Putin in Austria, but with Harald Vilimsky it is also Putin’s gateway in Europe – Herbert Kickl and Harald Vilimsky are a security risk,” says the general secretary of the People’s Party, Christian Stocker, in response to today’s ORF Press hour with the FPÖ’s top candidate, Harald Vilimsky.

“Harald Vilimsky promises people the best of luck – knowing that he can never keep his promises to people. He flirts with an Öxit and accepts a loss of wealth in return. He constantly spreads Kremlin propaganda, makes demands that violate human rights and wants to weaken Austria’s role in Europe. Vilimsky is either consciously spreading untruths or he simply lacks the necessary knowledge,” continues Stocker, who concludes by emphasizing: “We must not allow an FPÖ with Harald Vilimsky to weaken the EU or for Austria to lose its strong position in the EU. As the only real European party, we as a people’s party will improve the EU instead of destroying it.”

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