Stocker: “Confirmation of the AA+ rating once again gives the lie to the opposition”

Stocker: “Confirmation of the AA+ rating once again gives the lie to the opposition”

Fitch confirms the stable course of the Austrian economy

Vienna (OTS) “The confirmation of the AA+ rating once again gives the lie to the opposition. The rating from the US rating agency Fitch also underlines the most recently published results from Morningstar. Austria is on the right track economically. The constant, doom-and-gloom heckling from the SPÖ, FPÖ and NEOS is unjustified. Not only is the high standard of the Austrian economy highlighted, but also the fact that it is a thoroughly diversified and prosperous economy,” commented the General Secretary of the People’s Party, Christian Stocker, on the confirmation of the AA+ rating for Austria by the rating agency Fitch.

“Fitch also underlines our assessment in that it is assumed that private consumption will continue to be a strong growth driver, which will also be supported by real wage growth and the robust labor market. In addition, the resilience of our banking system is highlighted,” continues Stocker, who concludes by emphasizing: “Austria will probably actually achieve the planned GDP deficit of 2.9 percent. The opposition’s black painting is once again completely unjustified and due to the election campaign.”

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