In times when private donations in the six- and seven-digit area make headlines to the AfD, one is happy when the old and new realm spends their money for something beautiful. For example for a new building with which Klaus-Michael Kühne, majority shareholder of the logistics company Kühne + Nagel AG, wants to delight the State Opera in the Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
Kühne, born in 1937, is not only extremely business -related, but also known as a founder and patron. He is involved in medical research and climate protection. His money benefits the Elbphilharmonie such as the Zurich Opera House, the Salzburg Festival such as the Lucerne Festival. So now he is helping the Hamburg State Opera, whose house, a striking post -war building, would need a renovation. The designated general music director Omer Meir Wellber and the director Tobias Kratzer, who will also take office this year, should be relieved.
Where there is light, as is well known, shadows and, depending on the perspective, sometimes more of it: just that a billion dollar assets are in two hands, gives an impression of a politically unattended capitalism. The fact that the proud Hamburger Kühne prefers to pay for its taxes in Switzerland can also be thoughtfully correct. And his little cooperative behavior in dealing with the deep-dark history of the family company he conducted in the Nazi era shows very deeply.
Many rightly see politics as a duty, where there are sometimes benefactors (mostly not). It is rightly criticized that a new building in HafenCity should be made, where the renovation of the old opera building in Hamburg’s Neustadt seems to be offered. You shouldn’t save with criticism. But you can also look forward to gifts. And Klaus-Michael Kühne pays it out of the coffee bank anyway.
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