Start of the 9th Vienna Innovation Conference: “Shaping the future smart” |  City vienna

Skilled workers, circular economy and other current developments for the business location are the topics of the 9th Vienna Innovation Conference

In a growing city like Vienna, a spirit of innovation is particularly required. In competition with other metropolises, the aim is to attract, train and retain highly qualified workers. As a city, we are constantly developing targeted funding programs for this purpose

City Councilor for Economic Affairs Peter Hanke

Vienna (OTS) At the 9th Vienna Innovation Conference from January 23rd to 25th, 2024, experts from science, business and politics will speak about future-oriented concepts for Vienna as a technology and innovation location. At the invitation of City Councilor for Economic Affairs Peter Hanke, topics such as artificial intelligence (AI), quantum technology and climate-friendly construction for the city of the future will be taken up and discussed in an interdisciplinary manner. Over 900 participants take part in an extensive panel program.

Skilled workers and a growing city in the focus of Vienna’s economic policy

“In a growing city like Vienna, the spirit of innovation is particularly required. In competition with other metropolises, the aim is to attract, train and retain highly qualified workers. As a city, we are constantly developing targeted support programs for this purpose.”said City Councilor for Economic Affairs Peter Hanke during the first day of the conference.

In this context, Hanke also emphasized the important role of the research location as a driver for innovation: “In addition to training qualified workers, universities create an innovation-friendly ecosystem. Research develops questions and solutions that companies can ideally use economically. The sustainable collaboration between research and companies strengthens the location.”

Interdisciplinary experts on future-oriented developments

The economic potential of current innovations, such as artificial intelligence or in the field of quantum technology, are also topics at the innovation conference. How is the world of work changing due to new technologies? How is the education system dealing with these trends? The conference offers cross-industry exchanges between numerous thought leaders, including: Lisz Hirn (philosopher and author), Taras Demyanets (Erste Digital GmbH), Simone Oremovic (RHI Magnesita), Alexandra Reinagl (Wiener Linien), Gerhard Hirczi (Vienna Business Agency), Sabine Seidler (TU Vienna), Andreas Eichler (Ottobock Healthcare Products) and Rupert Ursin (Quantum Industries).

Along the main topics of the Viennese Economic and innovation strategy VIENNA 2030 Pioneers will also present smart solutions in production, digitalization, creative industries and health.

Registration and program at:
Following the conference, videos of all panels will be online.

Questions & Contact:

Susanne Jäger
Public relations VIENNA 2030 – Economy & Innovation
Tel.: +43 1 4000-83100

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