Love lies in the air when ORF 1 Friday, February 14, 2025, makes Love Day: As part of a special programming for Valentine’s Day, Tina Ritschl’s “Herzblatt Taxi” celebrates after an occasion-related “cabaret summit” dacapo (8:15 p.m.) at 9:20 p.m. With a opening sequence TV premiere. Also at “What’s new?” Also revolves around love at 10:30 p.m. for Clemens Maria Schreiner, Katharina Straßer, Thomas Maurer, Antonia Stabinger and Omar Saram. ORF 2 also provides even more spring feelings on Valentine’s Day: While Barbara Kartich talks to her guests about “love in all facets” at 4:00 p.m., the “worldwide” reporters take: inside in “All about Love. Stories of love. ”(11.50 p.m.) The different phases of love take a closer look. “Love is on air-love on the first click” is also said with its own collection on ORF on, where the individual on-air programs can also be called up as usual.
More about the programs in ORF 1
“Cabaret summit” (at 8:15 p.m. in ORF 1 and 24 hours earlier on ORF ON)
Love lies in the air when five of the best cabaret artists from Austria and Germany talk about “spring feelings”. Andreas Vitásek welcomes spring comfortably. He moves with the RiScha instead of the car. Berni Wagner involuntarily slowed down in the organic market. In search of vegetables and advice, he is in mindfulness and patience. Martina Schwarzmann welcomes spring in her garden and discovers her interest in insects. For Omar Saram, the young love also meant an intercultural exchange. In the Waldviertel, he gets to know his wife’s parents, hypothermaps air temperature and mood. Spring, on the other hand, the spring at Clemens Maria Schreiner is paving his way onto the dance floor. He dances like a dazzling dragonfly to the sounds of “KGB – the cabaret summit”.
“Herzblatt Taxi – Love to take away” (Episode 1 at 9:20 p.m. in ORF 1 and from 9:00 a.m. on ORF ON)
The audience of ORF 1 and ORF ON expects “Love to take away” when a cult dating mark becomes mobile: host and Ö3 presenter Tina Ritschl-also on February 12th in “Studio 2” and on February 14th in “Good Morning Austria” in ORF 2 and on ORF ON – plays Amor and heads the “Herzblatt Taxi” on Valentine’s Day across Austria to some of the most beautiful places in the country. The three potential date partners can look forward to: inside, which are separated from a wall from the single at the passenger seat, to romance, adventure, spontaneous challenges, exciting questions, moody discussions and maybe even great love. Because at the end of every trip, there is a big decision who is invited to the date.
Exciting questions – one of them always in connection with a song – and creative challenges – appropriately to preferences and living habits – await the audience in the eight editions that were recorded in autumn 2024. The “Herzblatt Taxi” stops in Lower Austria and Carinthia, where creativity is in demand in terms of dream vacation and favorite room in a possible home creativity. In search of the “Herzblatt”, the book-loving dentist Lisa and the Metal fan Philipp are in the opening sequence.
Love is on Air it says when the other eight episodes of the new format always provide feelings of spring on ORF ON. The season ends with a revisit episode in which Tina Ritschl meets individual candidates and new couples again and finds out whether the first date has become more. “Herzblatt Taxi – Love to take away” is a production of the ORF, manufactured in cooperation with Gebhardt Productions.
“What’s new?” (At 10.30 p.m. in ORF 1 and 24 hours earlier on Orf on)
On one day like this, Oliver Baier and his guys can only do one thing about one thing: love. Clemens Maria Schreiner, Katharina Straßer, Thomas Maurer, Antonia Stabinger and Omar Saram must therefore deal with the question of the “Romeo-and-Julia effect” right from the start. Can you actually enjoy joy with juniper trees on Valentine’s Day? Or for what purpose did a Chinese village plant around 130,000 juniper trees? The celebrity question comes from Gernot Kulis, who wants to know from his cabaret colleagues what you mean by a “wall player” -and his “best of! 20 years Ö3 Callboy ”on Friday, February 21, at 9:20 p.m. ORF-1 premiere (also on ORF ON).
More about the programs in ORF 2
“Barbara Kutlich – Talk at 4” (at 4:00 p.m. in ORF 2 and on ORF ON)
The “love in all facets” is a topic at “Barbara Kutlich – Talk at 4” at 4:00 p.m. in ORF 2 and on ORF on. Your guests talk about the diverse forms of expression of love, which is unique and valuable in every respect.
“Worldwide: all about love. Stories of love. ”(At 11:50 p.m. in ORF 2 and on Orf on)
On February 14th it is again called “Love is in the Air”. If you believe various surveys, Valentine’s Day is important for more than half of the Austrians. However, it is undisputed that many people think about love that day. The “worldwide” reporters: Inside, this took this as an opportunity to take a closer look at the different phases of love. On the subject of “All About Love. Stories of love. ”Report in the ORF correspondent magazine Benedict Feichtner, Ernst Gelegs and Sophie Roupetz from the USA, Bulgaria and Great Britain.
“Love is on air – love on the first click” collection on ORF ON
Romantic films (UA “I turn the time back”, “A summer in Croatia”, “Eismayer” and “We stay together” from February 16), series (including “The Bergdoktor” and “Sturm der Liebe”)) , but also exciting documentaries (“Universum History: Sex and Sensuality – The Love Stoll before Victoria” from February 14) and the dating format “Herzblatt Taxi – Love for Taking with you” and “Love -like layers and marriage matters”: With the ” Love is on air – love on the first click “collection is already all about love.