SPORTUNION wants an additional five healthy years of life for everyone in Austria.

SPORTUNION Austria President Peter McDonald: “No more lip service, but exercise as a comprehensive health policy for the well-being of our children.”

Vienna (OTS) On Thursday (March 21, 2024) a round table on the daily exercise unit took place in the House of Sports in Vienna. Vice Chancellor and Sports Minister Werner Kogler, Education Minister Martin Polaschek, Health Minister Johannes Rauch, representatives of the Ministry of Finance and the states as well as Sport Austria President Hans Niessl discussed the next steps for the further rollout of the daily exercise unit (TBE). The most important result: It was decided to draw up a 15a agreement (contracts between the federal government and one or more/all federal states or contracts between the states) in order to ensure the gradual, sustainable roll-out of the TBE.

Peter McDonald: “Five healthy years of life for every Austrian”

For SPORTUNION Austria President Peter McDonald, this step is “absolutely heading in the right direction” with a view to the medium-term future. It is nice to see that everyone involved in the round table agrees on how important the efforts are to help children and young people – in kindergarten and at school – to offer additional exercise. The fact that the number of healthy years of life in Austria is declining is unacceptable. Our goal should be to give every Austrian five additional years of healthy life! A powerful medication for this is undoubtedly the daily exercise unit for children and young people, which entered the pilot phase in September 2022. As President of SPORTUNION, I am pleased that the sustainable rollout is no longer just lip service, but has been put on track as part of a comprehensive health policy for the well-being of our children Austria very much.”

Questions & Contact:

Sports Union Austria
Wolfgang Wonesch
Referent Public Relations
+43 1 / 513 77 14 DW 03

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