Sports betting as a game of skill: An open letter from Daniel Winter-Holzinger

Sports betting as a game of skill: An open letter from Daniel Winter-Holzinger

Seieserberg – Buy (OTS) In an open letter, Daniel Winter-Holzinger, founder of the Sports Betting Academy, responds to the current discussion about the classification of sports betting. He calls for a clear differentiation between games of chance and games of skill and points out the misleading representations circulating in the media.

The public debate about sports betting is currently characterized by misunderstandings and misinformation. An example of this is the request from Dr. Monika Lierzer (Styrian Gambling Addiction Department) to classify sports betting as gambling – a view that is both legally and factually incorrect. With this statement, the Sports Betting Academy would like to provide clarity and present the facts.

Reaction video 1: Sports betting = game of skill

In a video, Daniel Winter-Holzinger explains the key differences between games of chance and games of skill and shows why sports betting clearly falls into the latter category. Link to video

Reaction video 2: Reaction video on Ö1

In another video, Winter-Holzinger reacts to the statements of so-called experts who try to manipulate the public through false representations. These experts have never been trained in the practices of the betting industry and are spreading misinformation. Link to video

Reaction video 3: Sports betting studies put to the test

This video dismantles biased studies created without the advice of real experts and proves that sports betting is based on sound mathematical principles. Link to video

In an open letter from Dr. Monika Lierzer is calling for sports betting to be classified as gambling in Austria. However, this demand is based on a completely wrong perception of sports betting. The article she refers to can be read here: Link to article.

According to an OGH decision, the classification of sports betting as a game of skill is correct. Link to the OGH decision.

In Austria, sports betting is rightly classified as a game of skill. The Sports Betting Academy, the largest German-language educational platform on this topic, has already successfully trained over 3,000 sports bettors. These participants act responsibly and independently in the betting industry.

Demand for education and training

Instead of further measures from the state, the Sports Betting Academy is calling for a legally binding education and training package. This would help sports bettors avoid high losses on their own.

The truth about sports betting

Sports betting is the purchase of a probability and has nothing to do with gambling. Unlike roulette or lottery, where chance and fixed payout keys dominate, sports betting is based on mathematics and probability. Betting odds vary from provider to provider, which highlights the complexity and skill aspect.

Reaction to Ö1 representations

On June 12, 2024, an interview took place on Ö1 in which Dr. Monika Lierzer falsely presented sports betting as gambling. The reaction video shows that this representation ignores basic mathematical and stochastic principles. Link to source.

Examination of studies

Claims about the dangers of sports betting are often based on one-sided and incomplete studies. The video critically examines these studies and shows where the errors and manipulations lie. Link to the study.

The Sports Betting Academy calls for an objective and informed discussion. Only through in-depth knowledge and transparent explanation can misunderstandings be cleared up and a fair assessment of the betting industry achieved. Anyone interested is invited to watch the videos and form their own opinion.

Questions & Contact:

Sports Betting Academy – Daniel Winter-Holzinger
Sonnleitenweg 6, 8054 Seiersberg-Pirka, Steiermark, Österreich ; +43 660 1505982
PR-Contact: Benjamin Bansal, BA (Benjamin Bansal GmbH)

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