SPÖ Women Carinthia: We need a national action plan to protect against violence – immediately!

Oberrauner: We need a strategy for protection against violence, violence protection clinics, sensitization of the judiciary and police as well as nationwide conferences on high-risk cases

Klagenfurt (OTS) Five women and one girl have been killed in Austria in the last few days. The federal government’s reactions were predictable given the events of the past few years: dismay and shock are shown, consequences are demanded – but relatively little is done. Until the next incident.

“Five women killed in one day – that corresponds exactly to the number who were victims of femicide in Vienna in the entire year of 2023, according to the figures from the Association of Autonomous Austrian Women’s Shelters. This brings the number of femicides committed in Austria since the beginning of the year to 7. Last year, 26 femicides were committed across Austria. 26 women were killed because they were women,” explains Petra Oberrauner, chairwoman of the SPÖ Carinthia Women. “And I would like to emphasize: This was not a ‘family tragedy’ or a ‘red light drama’ – there is a clear, factual term for it: femicide.”

“Fundamentally, there is still a lack of coordinated strategies between the federal and state governments as well as a nationwide action plan to prevent and combat gender-specific violence,” said Oberrauner. The Court of Auditors also highlighted numerous deficiencies in a report and identified potential for improvement. There is no long-term, holistic strategy. It was also criticized that there are no uniform criteria for assessing high-risk cases and conducting case conferences. There is also a lack of training for judges on this topic. The promised violence protection clinics do not yet exist. And in the federal states there is a lack of specific support for police officers who intervene when violence is suspected.

“Boys and girls should be made aware of gender-specific discrimination and violence in kindergarten and that there is help for those affected. Policewomen, teachers and civil servants must be trained across the board, emphasizes Oberrauner.

“Of course, there is also a need for a significant increase in financial resources to better protect women and girls from gender-based violence – the government must finally provide the €250 million per year that women’s organizations have been demanding for years. But more must also be done when it comes to gender equality so that women can live more freely and safely. For example, comprehensive and free childcare options. Because that is also crucial to making women more independent,” says Oberrauner and continues: “There are now many contact points and telephone hotlines for abused women in all federal states. What unites these institutions is the lack of funding.”


Questions & Contact:

SPÖ Carinthia
+43(0)463/577 88

SPÖ regional organization Carinthia
Lidmanskygasse 15
9020 Klagenfurt a.W.

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