SPÖ-Sartenheim to Chancellor Nehammer: “Blue-black horror coalition can only be prevented by the SPÖ”

Nehammer stands for clientele politics for the super-rich – only the SPÖ makes politics with heart and brain for the people

Vienna (OTS/SK) SPÖ federal manager Klaus Seltenheim reacted sharply today to the statements made by Chancellor Karl Nehammer in the Ö1 lunchtime journal. “A vote for the ÖVP is a vote for a blue-black horror coalition. Nehammer’s attempt to distance himself from Kickl is more than unbelievable. We can already see in three federal states that the ÖVP governs with the FPÖ without reservations. Neither Udo Landbauer stopped the ÖVP from forming a government, nor will Herbert Kickl stop them from doing so. To maintain power, the ÖVP will not hesitate to make Kickl chancellor. That is completely clear and would not mean anything good for our country,” emphasizes Seltenheim. The federal managing director warns against a new edition of the horror coalition, saying that Austrians would still feel the consequences of the black-blue governments today. ****

“We all still remember Nehammer’s burger video well. The ÖVP is by no means a centrist party; it pursues clientel politics for the super-rich and acts completely aloof. “Let’s not forget that the ÖVP is responsible for pension cuts, the 60-hour week and the dismantling of health insurance companies,” said Seltenheim. “Nehammer pursues clientel politics for the super-rich and ignores the needs of the population,” says Seltenheim. “He is the main person responsible for the disastrous situation in the country and has no idea about the everyday challenges people face.”

“A policy with heart and brain, as represented by the SPÖ and federal party leader Andreas Babler, is the only alternative that can prevent black and blue and that will improve the lives of people in Austria again. Heart and brain will bring Austria forward again,” says Seltenheim (conclusion) ff

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SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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