SPÖ-Sartenheim to Brandstätter in ORF press hour: If you want a social and fair Europe, you have to vote for SPÖ

It’s about a decision on the direction of Europe – only with strong social democracy can the shift to the right in Europe be prevented

Vienna (OTS/SK) In response to the ORF press hour with the EU’s top candidate from NEOS, Brandstätter, SPÖ federal managing director Klaus Seltenheim emphasized that only with a strong social democracy can the shift to the right in Europe be prevented and Europe become more social, fairer and more secure for peace. “It’s about a directional decision in Europe. If you want a social and fair Europe, you have to vote for SPÖ. Because neoliberalism cannot be an answer to right-wing and right-wing extremist forces like the AfD, Le Pen, Kickl and Orban. Our socio-political achievements as well as freedom and human rights are threatened by the right – it is the SPÖ that credibly opposes this,” said the SPÖ-EU campaign manager Seltenheim on Sunday to the SPÖ press service. ****

“We want to maintain our neutrality, strengthen the European peace project, democracy and human rights. The rights of workers were not an issue at all for the NEOS top candidate, nor, significantly, was ensuring an affordable life for everyone and enforcing tax justice in Europe. And this despite the fact that in Austria we have the highest inflation in Western Europe,” emphasizes Seltenheim.

The SPÖ has put its solutions to Europe’s problems on the table. “We need a Europe that takes people’s everyday concerns seriously, intervenes in the market and lowers prices. Neoliberal politics cannot lead to a new social justice. “This will only be possible with a strong social democracy that ensures a fair Europe,” says Seltenheim. (End) up

Questions & Contact:

SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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