SPÖ-Sartenheim on pensions: Finally stop scaremongering about pension security!

With Black and Blue, Austria can prepare for pension cuts – with SPÖ there are good jobs and pension security with constitutional status

Vienna (OTS/SK) With a clear rejection, SPÖ federal managing director Klaus Seltenheim acknowledged the statements made by the ÖVP and industry-related institute EcoAustria in today’s “Kurier” that they wanted to raise the retirement age to 67 years. “That certainly won’t happen with us,” says Seltenheim and emphasizes: “This constant fear-mongering about pension security must finally end.” The SPÖ federal manager explains in light of the 2024 election year: “At least the voters can already calculate “What happens if the SPÖ doesn’t have government responsibility – namely black and blue and pension cuts.” ****

The state pension system is fit for the future, Seltenheim points to the EU Commission’s Aeging Report 2021, according to which state spending on pensions will only increase by 0.5 percent of GDP by 2070. “Anyone who has worked for years must be able to trust that they will receive a secure pension. The SPÖ therefore wants to raise pension security to constitutional status,” says Seltenheim. Furthermore, it is necessary to take many more measures for good jobs “so that everyone can reach normal retirement age in good health,” says the SPÖ federal manager. In addition, the SPÖ is calling for the abolition of unfair pension quotas and the introduction of a protective clause when upgrading the pension account.

“The SPÖ is concerned with respect for working people. Our pensions are affordable if our suggestions are implemented, jobs are secured and new jobs are created,” said Seltenheim. (End) up

Questions & Contact:

SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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