SPÖ Participatory Congress (2) – Babler: “I will make Austria a participatory republic and flood it with democracy”

SPÖ boss wants to strengthen trust in democracy and politics through new formats of citizen participation – Austrian Convention with citizens’ councils, more transparency

Vienna (OTS/SK) Today, Saturday, SPÖ leader Andreas Babler presented his ideas on the democratization of society and the participatory republic in his future speech at the SPÖ participation congress in Vienna and in the SPÖ brochure “Participation Republic”. “I will make Austria a participatory republic and flood all areas of life with democracy. We must not accept that more and more people are saying goodbye to democracy because politics has said goodbye to them,” said Babler, referring to the government’s ignorance of people’s problems. It is all the more important to give people a voice again, to empower them, and to strengthen trust in democracy and politics through new formats of citizen participation and political participation and thus create a participatory republic, said Babler. The core elements of the participatory republic include “citizens’ councils, with which we give people the opportunity to get involved in political processes”, a new edition of the Austrian Convention and more transparency so that “major decisions and resolutions from the government can be made for the citizens* internally understandable,” says Babler. ****

In addition to the Austrian Convention supplemented by citizens’ councils, more transparency through public hearings in the allocation of top positions such as EU commissioners and through the publication of the minutes of decisions by the Council of Ministers, citizens’ budgets are another central element of the participatory Republic. Citizen budgets ensure that the population can actively participate in the design of their surroundings. This also means that participatory processes such as programs for imparting knowledge about political participation and organizing citizen initiatives are financially secured.

In addition, as stated in the SPÖ brochure “Mitmach-Republik”, there needs to be a strengthening of basic social rights, a fair distribution of wealth and a social democracy with respect and recognition for everyone, in which the value of a person does not depend on the bank balance is read. Through citizen participation, opportunities for participation and socially just politics with heart and brain, “democracy becomes tangible and anchored in everyday life,” said Babler, who emphasized: “In this way, we ensure that everyone’s voices are heard and that together we can achieve good and Find fair solutions so that people’s living conditions improve again.” For him, it is about “giving people a voice again, empowering them and bringing people back into the democratic structure,” said Babler, who is involved in the participation Republic “wants to create structures so that people can participate at different levels”.

In contrast to the FPÖ, which wants an illiberal democracy à la Orban, the SPÖ is fighting for the expansion of a social democracy. According to the concept paper on the topic of a participatory republic, an independent ORF is also important as an essential support of the media location. The influence of the federal government must be reduced through a reform of the ORF committees, while at the same time the public council must be upgraded to ensure more general participation.

A protective shield against fake news is also of central importance when it comes to strengthening democracy. What is important here is that the new school subject “Digital Basic Education” is even more dedicated to media literacy. Fake news and disinformation campaigns are a major threat to democracy. This makes good and reliable information all the more important. “With the ‘My Newspaper Subscription’ we want to create the opportunity for people to have an opportunity to consume quality media apart from fake news,” said Babler about the “My Newspaper Subscription”, with which anyone between the ages of 16 and 16 can use it and 30 years in Austria can subscribe to a print or online medium and the state covers the costs of up to 150 euros per year.

Service: Click here for the SPÖ brochure “Participation Republic”:

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Questions & Contact:

SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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