SPÖ-Holzleitner: Urgent appeal for a national action plan to protect against violence

Five femicides in one day – SPÖ women appeal to the federal government

Vienna (OTS) On the occasion of the five femicides in just one day, SPÖ federal women’s chairwoman Eva-Maria Holzleitner appealed to the federal government to call a crisis meeting and work together on a national action plan to protect against violence. “We mourn the murdered women, are thinking about the survivors and call for a national action plan to protect against violence to finally be implemented in order to protect women’s lives in Austria,” said Holzleitner. Every third woman in Austria is affected by violence, the number of bans on entry increases every year, and the number of femicides is the highest in Europe. “There is an urgent need for action,” said the SPÖ women’s leader. The aim of this National Violence Protection Action Plan is, among other things, to install a permanent crisis team from the Ministry of Justice, Women’s Affairs and the Interior Ministry together with the victim and violence protection institutions and, in addition, to set up violence protection clinics and regular multi-institutional, nationwide risk conferences across the board. ****

The Istanbul Convention ratified by Austria must be taken seriously and the measures set out therein must be implemented. “Yesterday was a black day for women in Austria,” said Holzleitner. (End) rm

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SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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