SPÖ election campaign start (2) – Babler: “The SPÖ will improve living conditions – If we fight together, we win!”

SPÖ election campaign start (2) – Babler: “The SPÖ will improve living conditions – If we fight together, we win!”

SPÖ federal party chairman and top candidate Andreas Babler emphasized today, Thursday, in his speech at the SPÖ election campaign launch in Linz that only the SPÖ has the right solutions to make Austria better and fairer. The National Council election on September 29th is the most important decision for generations. There is a three-way fight for the Federal Chancellor and it involves a few thousand votes between the parties. “We will surprise in Austria, against all surveys and comments,” said Babler. He said: “There are three candidates for chancellor: With Nehammer it will continue as before – without empathy and disrespect for women, children and workers. Dark times come with Kickl – a system that advertises fortresses and means prisons. Preventing Kickl means protecting democracy,” said Babler, who emphasized: “And then there is us: We have respect for every person, we improve the conditions and set out for a better country.” To thunderous applause, Babler said: ” Social democracy has one principle: people have the right to have rights. We make policy to ensure and expand legal rights for people. Now we’re in the finale and we’re marching together. There is only one direction left: forward. If we fight together, we win! We want to win in order to change this country,” said the SPÖ leader, who emphasized that the SPÖ is the only party that will improve people’s living conditions. The SPÖ will make life affordable again, strengthen the health system, eliminate child poverty and secure pensions. ****

Babler clearly rejected other parties’ demands for pension cuts, longer working hours, corporate tax cuts and wage restraint. The SPÖ leader sharply criticized the government, which let inflation slide and was responsible for a budget disaster. “The Social Democrats will set everything straight again this time. We fight in solidarity alongside the unions for fair wages. Work must be valued so highly that people can build something for themselves again. We have the heart and passion to strengthen the rights of employees.” This also includes the right to a secure pension. “We are fighting for legally secured pensions. We want to be sure that we will receive our pension. That is a fundamental right,” said Babler, who emphasized that 45 years of work is enough.

In Austria, 375,000 children are poor or at risk of poverty. Babler wants to “finally abolish child poverty” with basic child security. While the ÖVP and FPÖ make politics at the expense of the poorest children, “we Social Democrats give all children the same opportunities,” said Babler, who wants to implement a legal right to a free childcare place. In order to ensure educational equality for all children, education must be thought bigger: “We want a school without pressure for children, educators and parents – a school where people enjoy going and children have fun learning, exploring and discovering.”

The governments of the last few years have implemented poor management and health care has become worse. The SPÖ will rebuild the health system. “We are not supplicants when we are sick. We pay contributions, it is our right to have good health care,” said Babler, who presented concrete solutions to strengthen the health system: The SPÖ wants, among other things, to double the number of medical study places and guarantee appointments with a specialist within 14 days. The e-card must finally count again and not the credit card, said Babler to great applause.

A major concern of the SPÖ boss is strengthening nursing care: In order to combat the nursing shortage, a personnel offensive is needed. Babler demands that nursing training be paid for. In addition, working conditions must be improved – including through shorter working hours. “When it comes to reducing working hours, we start where it is hardest – in care. In other areas, we are putting pressure on us to achieve a healthy 4-day week in an industry-specific manner. Other countries have achieved good results with this, employee productivity and satisfaction have increased, and sickness rates have fallen,” said Babler.

For the SPÖ leader it is clear that women must finally be paid equally to men and that the principle of “equal pay for equal work” must finally be implemented. “One of the biggest outrages is unequal pay for equal work. We will finally change that through mandatory wage transparency,” said Babler, who emphasized that outdated role models must be broken down.

Babler’s top priority is the fight against global warming. “We have to do something now, we have a responsibility in the fight against global warming,” said Babler, who emphasized that CO2 emissions must be reduced, but the finger should not be pointed at people. “We have to pull the big levers,” said Babler, who calls for the expansion of the rail network and a climate transformation fund.

Unemployment is rising and energy prices have exploded. “We have to take control. Who other than the SPÖ can guarantee modern industrial policy?” said Babler, who emphasized that the SPÖ is the only party that understands sustainable industrial policy in the light of change and can shape the necessary transformation. “Austria must become the leading country in green technology,” said Babler, who will strengthen the business location, advance the energy transition and create jobs.

Babler described the fact that the five richest families in Austria have as much wealth as the poorer half of the country as a “condition like in the monarchy”. The SPÖ is fighting for a fair distribution of wealth and will ensure that the super-rich make a fair contribution through fair taxes on millionaires. “We will put an end to privileges for the big and powerful. It cannot be the case that a sausage stand pays more taxes than a large international corporation,” said Babler.

When it comes to migration and asylum, Babler spoke out in favor of a fair distribution of refugees in Europe. Babler expressed sharp criticism of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, who is sending refugees to Austria in an uncontrolled manner. “Orban simply waved tens of thousands of people through and broke the law. We will not tolerate Orban breaking the law. “We will enforce the rights and sue Orban,” said Babler, adding that this would mean 75 percent fewer arrivals in Austria. Anyone who has a high probability of staying should be able to learn German and do training, Babler called for important integration measures.

A vote for the SPÖ is a strong voice for an affordable life, a strong health system and a democratic Austria. “We are improving the conditions for people in Austria. We don’t have any big media companies or major donors, we have each other,” said Babler, who thanked 2,500 supporters who donated 150,000 euros in the last few days. “Today we set off, united, united and determined to improve Austria,” said Babler. (Final) ls/mb

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