SPÖ-Breiteneder: “We will do everything we can to prevent Kickl’s authoritarian turn!”

Kickl fantasizes about authoritarian state restructuring – only reform chancellor Andi Babler can ensure affordable living and protect democracy

Vienna (OTS) After the FPÖ’s New Year’s meeting on Saturday, SPÖ federal manager Sandra Breiteneder stated: “Kickl is planning an attack on the democratic pillars of our republic and on our constitutional state.” As always in Austria’s history, social democracy will be on the right side in this groundbreaking time stand. “We will do everything we can to protect our hard-won democracy from Kickl’s planned transformation into an autocracy.” With the FPÖ in government responsibility, nothing will improve, on the contrary: “There is a threat of chaos, corruption and social conflicts. Media freedom and independent judiciary are in danger,” warns Breiteneder. Only a reform Chancellor Babler would ensure an affordable life, social peace and justice in Austria.

Kickl does not want to distance himself from the right-wing extremist identitarians and their ethnic-nationalist plans for a coup. “Kickl’s program is a frontal attack on democracy and our basic rights and freedoms.” At the same time, it is clear that the FPÖ intends to line its own pockets, “as the scandal in the FPÖ Graz shows,” said Breiteneder.

Austria is faced with a choice between an authoritarian turn and a reform chancellor Babler, who is at the head of a democracy movement. In the coming election, everything must be done to prevent a black-blue majority. “ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer’s promises to keep Kickl out of the government are worth nothing. The ÖVP always forms a coalition with the FPÖ as soon as they have a majority and Nehammer will be history after the election anyway,” says Breiteneder in conclusion. (End) bad

Questions & Contact:

SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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