SPÖ-Breiteneder to Stocker: “ÖVP is the party of hostility to performance”

SPÖ federal manager: “What values ​​does the ÖVP want to convey to refugees? Misogyny and performance misogyny?”

Vienna (OTS/SK) SPÖ Federal Managing Director Sandra Breiteneder strongly criticizes today’s statements by ÖVP General Secretary Stocker: “The fact that the ÖVP in particular is babbling about performance and values ​​is laughable. It was the ÖVP that, together with the FPÖ, turned down the successful SPÖ measure of the mandatory integration year, which was about education and qualification. And now the ÖVP wants a commitment to charitable work for asylum seekers,” Breiteneder told the SPÖ press service on Friday. The SPÖ federal manager and asylum law experts identify legal problems if a penalty is to be imposed if someone does not work. This also opens the door to wage dumping. For Breiteneder, the fact that the ÖVP, of all people, champions “Austrian values” and “performance” is not an issue: “The ÖVP is the party of hostility to performance.” ****

“If the ÖVP and its chairman Chancellor Nehammer have their way, performance should be punished by not giving employees the higher wages they deserve. “The super-rich get massive tax breaks,” says Breiteneder. Women who work part-time are unbearably mocked by the ÖVP chancellor, reminds Breiteneder of the Nehammer scandal video. “The SPÖ has always fought for women’s rights in particular against the bitter resistance of the ÖVP – until today,” says Breiteneder, recalling the torpedoing of the child care billion and the recent sham package for the expansion of children’s education. “Many women work part-time because there is no suitable childcare nearby! And Nehammer targets people who work hard every day, look after their children and still can afford little or nothing. These are certainly not Austrian values,” the SPÖ federal manager. (End) bj

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SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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