SPÖ-Breiteneder: Kogler has no answers to people’s big problems

Austria is at the bottom of the list when it comes to inflation due to the government’s standstill – the SPÖ is the only party that guarantees affordable living

Vienna (OTS/SK) The Federal Managing Director of the SPÖ, Sandra Breiteneder, criticized on Sunday the lack of concrete answers to the people’s major problems from the Vice Chancellor and Green Party leader Werner Kogler during the ORF press hour. “It is disappointing to see that Vice Chancellor Kogler has no answers to people’s problems and concerns. The ongoing inflation is putting a strain on budgets, while the problems in the health system are becoming more and more noticeable,” says Breiteneder. Despite this, Vice Chancellor Kogler is not coming up with any answers or solutions in these areas. Instead, he repeatedly kneels before the ÖVP, which also shows the rejection of the urgently needed supply chain law. ****

Breiteneder points out that Austria is still at the bottom in terms of inflation due to the government’s standstill. “Rents have risen enormously because the government has not imposed a rent cap. Energy prices have risen because the government has prevented an energy price cap. And food prices are rising because there is neither a price commission nor price transparency at supermarkets,” says Breiteneder. This has resulted in Austria doing poorly in a European comparison.

Breiteneder emphasizes that only the SPÖ and its party leader Andreas Babler have solutions to the urgent problems and concerns of the people in Austria. “Affordable housing, well-functioning health care and the fight against inflation. The government has apparently already given up on these issues and is accepting the standstill,” said Breiteneder in conclusion. (Conclusion) ff

Questions & Contact:

SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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