SPÖ-Babler at the SPÖ founding anniversary in Neudörfl: “Whenever the SPÖ governs, things are better for the people!”

SPÖ celebrates the 150th anniversary of its founding day – panel discussion with Doris Bures and Andreas Babler, keynote speech by Heinz Fischer

Vienna (OTS/SK) The SPÖ celebrated its 150th founding anniversary with a ceremony today, Saturday, in Neudörfl, Burgenland. After the unveiling of a memorial plaque at the founding house, the former Leitha inn, the club chairman of the SPÖ Burgenland, Roland Fürst, as well as state parliament member and mayor of Neudörfl Dieter Posch, addressed their greetings to the around 300 guests: “Our forefathers founded the social democracy here, “to serve people, to improve living conditions and to critically question power relationships,” said Fürst. Afterwards, former Federal President Dr. Heinz Fischer describes the important role of social democracy in the history of the First and Second Republics: “Of the four political families that have set the tone in Austria since the end of the 19th century, social democracy is the only one that has always and without any exception “We like to look at our history – not least in order to learn from it,” said Fischer.

In the subsequent panel discussion, SPÖ chairman Andreas Babler and the second president of the National Council, Doris Bures, discussed what conclusions the social democracy draws from its 150-year history: “The demands were the same then as they are today. People are not supplicants, but they have rights,” said Babler. “Today, as then, we must be a counter-model to authoritarian tendencies by fighting for equal rights to education, health and social participation.” Doris Bures said in the course of the Conversation: “Our historical heritage includes the creative power to improve people’s lives by putting what is common before what divides us in society.” ****

In his ceremonial speech, former Federal President Heinz Fischer emphasized the importance of unity and unity for the success of social democracy in a historical overview: “The further development of our country is also in our hands,” said Fischer. “We can emphasize the importance of the unity and unity of our movement and “Never lose sight of the need for discipline and solidarity, but also the ability to discuss honestly and then act as one.” Fischer concluded his speech with the appeal: “We must be aware that a very important stage in the The history of the Republic and also in the history of Europe lies immediately before us.”

In the panel discussion, SPÖ chairman Andreas Babler and the second president of the National Council, Doris Bures, discussed the great importance of social democracy – then as now. “Whenever the social democracy was strong, united and responsible, people in Austria felt better. As a social democracy, we fight not only for political rights, but also for social rights, because they are interdependent,” said Babler. “The Social Democrats built democracy in Austria twice. That’s why it’s our duty to defend them now from black and blue attacks on the judiciary, parliament and the media.” Doris Bures said in the discussion: “The social democracy has always taken responsibility for the republic, even in difficult times. And we will now manage to lead Austria into a positive future.”

On April 5th and 6th, 1874, despite official harassment, 74 representatives of workers’ associations from the crown lands of the Danube Monarchy met for a delegates’ conference in the Leitha Inn in Neudörfl, then in Hungary. They founded the Social Democratic Workers’ Party in Austria and decided on their first party program.

The festive event in Neudörfl was attended by numerous representatives of social democracy, including the Mayor of Vienna Michael Ludwig, the Upper Austrian Provincial Councilor Michael Lindner, Vice President of the European Parliament Evelyn Regner, Verena Dunst, deputy. Federal party chairman, former state governor Hans Niessl and many more. (END) jks/kk

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