SPAR calls back “Spar Veggie Girasoli Spinat-Cashew 250g”

SPAR calls back “Spar Veggie Girasoli Spinat-Cashew 250g”
Salzburg (OTS) –

SPAR continuously controls the products of the savings brands to ensure the highest quality. In the event of a routine quality control, the “Spar Veggie Girasoli Spinat-Cashew 250g” with the minimum preservation data (MHD) 17.02.2025, 27.02.2025 and 11.03.2025 determined a possible contamination with the allergen peanut. For this reason, SPAR calls back all products with the best -before preservation data. The affected goods with the MHDS 17.02.2025, 27.02.2025 and 11.03.2025 have already been removed from the traffic.

Nut allergy sufferers: Inside, the “Spar Veggie Girasoli Spinat-Cashew 250g” with the best-preserving data (MHD) 17.02.2025, 27.02.2025 and 11.03.2025 are not to be consumed. All other SPAR Veggie or pasta other brands are not affected by this recall.

All customers: inside that have bought the said product can of course return this in the nearest savings, Eurospar or Interspar market or Maximarkt. Customers will also be refunded without a cashabon.

Customer: Inside, who have a question about this, are welcome to use customer service Or inform on the free telephone number 0800/21 20.

SPAR Austria Group
Mag. Nicole Berkmann
Head of Group PR and Information
Telephone: 0043 662 4470 22300

OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | SPA

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