SJ stitch on the Nehammer speech: “Austria’s youth did not deserve this chancellor!”

SJ stitch on the Nehammer speech: “Austria’s youth did not deserve this chancellor!”

Socialist youth demands real perspectives for young people instead of symbolic politics and smoke grenades

Vienna (OTS) “Chancellor Nehammer is presenting his ideas for the future in Wels today. It is already clear from what content has been passed on to the media so far: Instead of offering solutions to important problems facing young people such as injustice in the education system, the climate crisis or increasing division, Nehammer uses the stage for symbolic politics and smoke grenades. This political hack is frustrating and doesn’t solve a single problem for Austria’s youth, who are faced with a multitude of crises“, says Paul Stich, chairman of the Socialist Youth Austria (SJ) before the speech.

For the SJ, Nehammer consistently presents yesterday’s solutions for tomorrow’s challenges. “There is a common thread across all areas and proposals: the ÖVP’s policy means that the redistribution from bottom to top continues. As a distraction, there are smoke grenades such as constantly trampling on people who come to Austria or various language regulations in the style of the FPÖ. Anyone who believes that they can give normal young people a perspective has apparently lost touch with reality,” says Stich.

Finally, Stich emphasizes the need for new majorities in Austria: “Whoever votes for ÖVP or FPÖ gets racism, symbolic politics and social cuts. It must therefore be our task to create majorities beyond black and blue in the coming elections. Only without these two parties will it be possible to find political answers to the crises of our time,” concluded Stich.

Yesterday the Socialist Youth was there in Wels to leave Nehammer an oversized to-do list. Photos of the campaign are available for free use at the following link:

Questions & Contact:

Socialist Youth Austria
Jakob Rennhofer
SJ press spokesman
+43 664 / 541 70 80

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