SJ-Stich: “PISA results show: The ÖVP’s refusal to discuss education policy must end!”

SJ-Stich: “PISA results show: The ÖVP’s refusal to discuss education policy must end!”

Socialist youth are calling for the education system to be transitioned into the 21st century. Proposals for this have long been on the table.

Vienna (OTS) “The latest results of the PISA study show us once again very clearly: When it comes to educational policy issues, the ÖVP moves in a cycle of ignorance. Minister Polaschek tells the media that education experts must now submit proposals and that he himself is not responsible. Educational reforms in Austria fail neither because of experts nor suggestions, but solely because of political will. Ongoing impulses from experts from various institutions are consistently ignored and a debate about them is refused,” says Paul Stich, chairman of the Socialist Youth Austria. The Socialist Youth also supports Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig’s call for a round table on Austrian education policy.

Stich cites the debate surrounding a possible redesign of school leaving certificates and assessments as an example of the ÖVP’s ignorance. “In recent weeks, expert-backed suggestions have been put forward to redesign school leaving certificates or school assessments. Instead of a discussion based on arguments, the ÖVP relied on malice and cynicism. However, the latest figures no longer allow this refusal to discuss. Anyone who rejects the debate about reorganizing schools for ideological reasons has a lot in mind – but certainly not the best possible school for young people in this country.” concludes Stich.

Questions & Contact:

Socialist Youth Austria
Jakob Rennhofer
SJ press spokesman
+43 664 / 541 70 80


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