“Situation briefing ON1”: The truth about the “secret meeting” in Potsdam

“Situation briefing ON1”: The truth about the “secret meeting” in Potsdam

Participants unpack in the TV studio – the system’s lies are crumbling!

In Ibiza it was about overthrowing a democratically elected right-wing government and now it’s about stopping a democratic change in Germany, because more and more people want to vote for the AfD.

AUF1 editor-in-chief Stefan Magnet

Linz (OTS) There has been a lot of uproar in Germany since the Soros-affiliated “Correctiv” reported on an alleged secret meeting at which a plan was made that would have the goal of “expelling millions of people.” Hundreds of thousands took to the streets against the “danger from the right” and for a ban on the AfD. Rightly so – or is this a perfidious production at the beginning of the fateful year of 2024?

AUF1 wanted to know exactly. The alternative broadcaster invited participants in the “secret meeting” to an “Aufent1 situation briefing” in order to find out uncensored what really happened in Potsdam. Together with moderator Dietmar Heuritsch, ON1 Editor-in-Chief Stefan Magnetthe Berlin entrepreneur and journalist Silke Schröderdem Constitutional lawyer Dr. Ulrich Vosgerau and the freelance journalist Philipp Huemer (“Heimatkurier”) many aspects of the Potsdam scandal were highlighted in the show. Opinions from Martin Sellner and Ulrich Siegmund (AfD), both of whom were also at the meeting, round off the program.

Result: There was no secret meeting! But a cross-connection to the Ibiza affair. AUF1 editor-in-chief Stefan Magnet: “In Ibiza it was about overthrowing a democratically elected right-wing government and now it’s about stopping a democratic change in Germany, because more and more people want to vote for the AfD.

This episode of the “Situation Briefing ON1” causes the system’s lying propaganda to crumble! What really happened in Potsdam, what this production means and how the term “remigration” is instrumentalized – in the program “LagebebriefigungAuf1”.

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Andreas Retschitzegger

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