“Sinful Love?”: new “criss-cross” production about homosexuality and the church

On February 27th at 10:35 p.m. on ORF 2; then: “The Invention of Love”

Vienna (OTS) Homosexuality is prosecuted in more than 60 countries. In a dozen countries around the world there is even a death penalty. Homophobia is deeply rooted in society. Also in the Catholic hierarchy, also in Europe and the USA. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: Homosexuality is sinful. Many theologians believe that the judgment of Holy Scripture is clear and that changing the teaching is hardly possible. ORF 2 will show the new “kreuz und quer” production “Sünde Liebe? – Homosexuality and the Church” by Peter Beringer. The subsequent “criss-cross” documentary “The Invention of Love” (11:05 p.m.) by Stefan Ludwig shows how different religions determine and have determined the bond for life. And she examines how Christianity views marriage.

“Sinful love? – Homosexuality and the Church” – A film by Peter Beringer

On December 18, 2023, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome and Pope Francis will publish what appears to be a groundbreaking new statement. Homosexual and so-called “irregular” couples, such as remarried divorcees, may be blessed by the priest. The declaration is viewed by many in this country as overdue liberalization. But the cheers quickly die down. In Africa, in Asia, but also in conservative parts of the Church of the West – such as the USA – the declaration is viewed as a scandalous apostasy by Rome. Rome reacted and specified in January 2024: The blessings should be short and casual, the connection itself will not be blessed. Sexuality outside of marriage and homosexuality remain sins. Nevertheless, the pastoral concern for homosexuals and “irregulars” also shines through in the documents – they should feel welcome and cared for through the blessing in the church. An impossible balancing act, say many theologians and also homosexual couples who feel close to the church. The language remains hurtful and there is no real recognition of same-sex sexuality.

Pope Francis himself advocated gay civil marriage during his time as Archbishop of Buenos Aires. After four months in office, he expressly condemns discrimination against homosexuals in a media-effective way: “If someone is gay and has good will and is looking for the Lord, who am I to condemn that person?” Words that get to the heart of his pastoral thinking bring – especially in view of the persecution of homosexuals in the world. The synods of bishops later convened by Francis and the world synod also discuss this. However, there is no majority in favor of changing the doctrine.

The documentary analyzes the background to the enormous tensions in the world Catholic Church on this issue. Peter Beringer interviewed pastors, affected couples and theologians about this. In practice, it turns out that the church, at least in this country, is far ahead of official teaching: marriage-like blessings for homosexual couples are common practice, and homosexuals naturally work together at the community level. For other homosexual women and men, the break with the church is nevertheless irreparable: for too long the church has failed to anchor the equality of all people in people’s minds. There is still a refusal to acknowledge the findings of the human sciences on sexuality, relationships and love. 2000 years of taboos and rejection of homosexuality through the Christian doctrine of sin – they cannot be erased with the stroke of a Vatican pen.

“The Invention of Love” – A film by Stefan Ludwig

The woman for life, the man for life – the boom in dating agencies shows no signs of slowing down. But the fact that two people who love each other get married is not at all a given – it is a modern invention. Because in history, arranged marriages and religiously and culturally determined forms of coexistence between men and women predominate. The documentary shows how different religions determine and have determined the bond for life. And she examines how Christianity views marriage.

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