Silvia Moser: “When the ÖVP speaks untruths in Lower Austria.”

Silvia Moser: “When the ÖVP speaks untruths in Lower Austria.”

Chairwoman of the Green Association of Community Representatives about the false statement regarding audit committees in the communities

Incidentally, there is also a majority in the Lower Austrian state parliament without the ÖVP and no one is stopping the SPÖ or FPÖ from granting the state audit office in Lower Austria appropriate auditing authority for all municipalities in our federal state

Silvia Moser

St. Pölten (OTS) In Lower Austria, the ÖVP continues to vehemently refuse to allow the State Audit Office to extend its auditing authority to municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants. The ÖVP also likes to point out that the municipality’s respective audit committee would be filled by a non-mayor’s party – but that is the untruth and does not correspond to the facts in Lower Austria. According to the municipal regulations, if there is a clear majority and dominance of one party, it can happen that this party receives the mayor and the chairmanship of the audit committee. And through the D’Hondt process, other political groups do not have any members on the audit committee at all and therefore cannot take on the chairmanship. And even as chairman you are dependent on the cooperation and cooperation of the committee members and the community. Therefore, the ÖVP is telling the untruth here, which particularly affects the black-dominated communities of Lower Austria, according to the Green chairwoman of the community representatives’ association and member of the state parliament, Silvia Moser.

Incidentally, there is also a majority in the Lower Austrian state parliament without the ÖVP and no one is stopping the SPÖ or FPÖ from granting the state audit office in Lower Austria appropriate auditing authority for all municipalities in our federal state“, concludes Moser.

Questions & Contact:

Michael Pinnow
Press spokesman for the Lower Austrian Greens

The Greens in the Lower Austrian state parliament
New Herrengasse 1/Haus 1/2. floor
3100 St. Pölten
Telephone office: 02742/9005 16702
Telephone mobile: 0676/944 72 69

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