Silvia Moser: “The closure of gynecology and obstetrics in Waidhofen an der Ybbs is dramatic!”

Silvia Moser: “The closure of gynecology and obstetrics in Waidhofen an der Ybbs is dramatic!”

Green women’s spokesperson sharply criticizes the lack of efforts by the LGA and the “supposedly” responsible state councilor Ludwig Schleritzko

The people of Lower Austria deserve the best possible healthcare and, above all, honesty!

Silvia Moser

St. Pölten (OTS) According to media reports, the gynecology and obstetrics department at the hospital in Waidhofen an der Ybbs will be closed from March 24, 2024. The Green women’s spokesperson and member of the state parliament Silvia Moser harshly criticizes the failure of the State Health Agency (LGA) and the responsible State Councilor Ludwig Schleritzko: “The people of Lower Austria deserve the best possible healthcare and, above all, honesty! If the Mostviertel women have to travel more than half an hour longer to the nearest hospital to give birth or have problems during pregnancy, then that is dramatic for me!”

For years, we Greens in Lower Austria have been calling for responsible and transparent planning in the area of ​​university and state hospitals in our state – so far without success. Once again it looks as if the state health agency and the state of Lower Austria will have to give in to external pressure from the lack of staff and abandon an entire department in a ho-hum operation. It can be proven that the closure was clearly planned long in advance. If you look at the Health Structure Plan Part 1 (created in 2018), the number of gynecology and obstetrics beds in the Mostviertel is planned to be reduced by 28 beds.

“The suspicion arises that the closure had been planned for years and that the population had been deceived until now. Until now, State Councilor Schleritzko has always emphasized that he had no responsibility for the State Health Agency – but now he is attracting attention in the media again with statements and reassurances. Maybe he should reconsider his options and efforts. The fact is, the gynecology and obstetrics at the hospital in Waidhofen an der Ybbs is a massive deterioration for the population and the state health agency must do everything to avoid the gap in care,” concludes Silvia Moser.

Questions & Contact:

Michael Pinnow
Press spokesman for the Lower Austrian Greens

The Greens in the Lower Austrian state parliament
New Herrengasse 1/Haus 1/2. floor
3100 St. Pölten
Telephone office: 02742/9005 16702
Telephone mobile: 0676/944 72 69

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