Seven plus seven trends in content marketing

Seven trends that everyone in the industry should keep an eye on from an association perspective.

Vienna (OTS) In conversation presented with MM editor Otto Koller Martin DistlCMF Board Austria together with the two representatives of CMF-GenZ Corinne Brönnimann from Switzerland and Lisa Black from Germany, where content marketing is headed in 2024.

Regarding the questions: What stays, what goes, what comes, the Content Marketing Forum eV (CMF) has put together seven trends that everyone in the industry should keep an eye on from the association’s perspective. Of particular interest was the question: And what do the young talents say about it? The CMF also wanted to know this and asked students at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences for their trends.

The result is seven plus seven trends for the current year – from AI to threads, from social conversions to voice search. “As an association, we find it particularly enriching that the students include the perspective of those who will play a key role in shaping the future of our industry,” says Martin Distl, the association’s Austrian board member. “It’s not for nothing that we are part of the association Our NextGen has its own committee of young talents.”

Other articles in this release:

Dialog Marketing Association Austria

What does the association offer its target group and who should deal with it.

In this Media manager talk explained DMVÖ-Präsidentin Alexandra Vetrovsky-Brycht in an entertaining and impressive way, what the association offers its target group, who should get involved with it and how you specifically benefit from membership.

“We promote all types of personalized communication – in digital and analogue form” emphasizes DMVÖ President Alexandra Vetrovsky-Brychta. “We see ourselves as thought leaders and pioneers of technological innovations that make communication more individual and useful for consumers – and that allow companies to communicate more personally and more efficiently. Our members share their experiences and learn from each other. We offer a wide variety of forms of agile project work, information and event series.”

Public relations. An opportunity for SMEs.

In an interview, Peter Suwandschieff, PR manager and owner of the PR agency textwerk, explains the importance of PR for small and medium-sized companies.

Today’s companies – whether small or large – want and need to act cleverly and efficiently; Of course, this also applies to corporate communications and professional public relations. Complete support with expensive annual contracts and additional fixed costs usually does not fit into the concept of traditional small and medium-sized companies.

In an interview with MedienManager publisher Otto Koller, Peter Suwandschieff, PR manager and owner of the PR agency textwerk, explains the importance of PR for small and medium-sized companies and shows how easily PR work can be learned and organized independently in the company. He also talks about the potential opportunities that professional PR measures open up for companies and organizations. In contrast to many advertising measures, PR is not perceived as an annoying time thief. PR offers entertaining storytelling in the form of editorial articles about real people with real stories that tell about the benefits and value of a product, service or organization.

Questions & Contact:

Otto Koller MBA
Publisher Media Manager
Mobil +43 2628 48331

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