SERVUS party presents team and starts campaign for declarations of support

SERVUS party presents team and starts campaign for declarations of support

A new force in the democratic center wants to step up to be part of the solution. Former. Abg. e.g. NR Groiß and Steinbichler are making their political comeback with the SERVUS party.

Salzburg (OTS) The SERVUS party presented the first candidates for the 2024 National Council election today at the Stiegl Brauwelt in Salzburg. The list of candidates already includes people from many different professional groups – some political professionals, some career changers, some self-employed people, but also employees or farmers. Party founder and top candidate Hannes PIRKER sees the fact that there is only one woman on the list so far as a disastrous finding for women’s politics in recent years. His appeal to all women in the country: “Stand up, help us shape this country and run for office on our list. We need you!

The list of candidates presented today at a glance:
* Ing. MMMag. Hannes PIRKER, MAIS, entrepreneur from Salzburg (S).
* Martin FANKHAUSER, entrepreneur from Kramsach (T).
* KommR Ing. Mag. Werner GROISS, tax consultant and auditor from Gars am Kamp (Lower Austria). Former. Abg. e.g. NO.
* Ingrid ZARFL, civil servant clerk from Wolfsberg (K).
* Mag. (FH) Stefan MANDL, management consultant, life and social consultant from Elsbethen (S).
* Leopold STEINBICHLER, farmer from Aurach am Hongar (Upper Austria). Former. Abg. e.g. NO.
* Richard PLANER, MSc, businessman from Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser (T).
* Jonas MÜHLTHALER, high school graduate and civil servant from Schwaz (T).
* Christian STOCKINGER, tour guide from Vienna.
* Maximilian LINDPOINTNER, BSc, BSc, MSc, qualified health and nursing nurse from Amstetten (Lower Austria).
* Dipl. Ing. Manfred SCHMID, IT specialist and entrepreneur from Thalgau (S).
* Mag. Peter PETRUS, employed senior consultant and psychotherapist in training from Baden (Lower Austria).
* MR Dr. med. Andreas WEHMEYER, doctor from Loipersbach (B).

Detailed information about the people featured today:
Further candidates will be presented in the coming weeks.

Under the motto “What was my performance?”, top candidate PIRKER also takes stock of the old parties at the press conference and at the same time sets the direction for the SERVUS party:
Now, shortly before the election, everyone suddenly realizes that they always had a plan anyway. And the question arises: “What was their performance?” What was the performance of the previous governments, what was the performance of the previous opposition? Who or what has prevented them from doing the right thing?“, said PIRKER.

The SERVUS party sees three main reasons why we are where we are in Austria today: Firstly, the old parties that were previously responsible for the political center apparently do not care at all about people’s concerns. Second, they seem to think that if they don’t address certain problems, like migration, they will magically disappear. And thirdly, they have a concrete interest in ensuring that problems persist for as long as possible, otherwise they would no longer be able to ride this wave.

Top candidate PIRKER and the entire SERVUS team are determined to do everything necessary so that the next generations also experience an Austria that is one of the most livable places in the world: in Vienna as well as in the Salzkammergut and in each of our federal states. An Austria that, as a neutral state, is part of a European community, an Austria that contributes to the EU in a positive and solution-oriented manner, without forgetting its own identity. An Austria that is a lucrative location for innovative companies and a safe country for everyone who lives here. A country where no one is left behind.

Even in policy areas that have become the plaything of the ideological positions of the old parties, SERVUS is convinced that it can be part of the solution:
* Private property and still affordable housing.
* Social security and still a performance-oriented society.
* An immediate stop to illegal immigration and still – or perhaps because of this – be an attractive country for qualified people from all over the world.
* Excel at school and still leave no one behind.

Finally, top candidate PIRKER calls on people to support the SERVUS party’s running in the National Council election:
We now need your declaration of support so that we can run in the National Council election and present our ideas and concepts. Because that’s exactly what it’s all about: Who has the best ideas? Who has the most sensible concepts? Who is part of the solution?

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