SERVUS party from Salzburg is running in the 2024 National Council election

SERVUS party from Salzburg is running in the 2024 National Council election

New centrist political force presents itself to the public

Salzburg (OTS) The recently founded party SERVUS officially launches today as a new centrist political force in Austria. It sees itself as a platform for all citizens who want to take part in the political process – be it as idea generators, experts, candidates or supporters. SERVUS wants to initiate a movement for the renewal of political culture and stands for objective and ideology-free politics. The first goal is to compete nationwide in the upcoming National Council elections.

Austria’s politics has been marked by scandals for years. Parties and politicians are busy with themselves instead of concentrating on what they were elected for: working for Austria and the well-being of the population. Our democracy is in a crisis of trust, while people feel left alone when it comes to pressing issues. This sobering finding of the political system prompted the two founders Hannes Pirker and Martin Fankhauser to trade. On April 4th, 2024 they founded the SERVUS party. “We shook our heads and looked away for a long time, but we’ve reached a point where it’s simply no longer possible.”Hannes Pirker sums it up and probably speaks from the hearts of many voters.

Party founder Pirker addresses the public in a video on Whit Monday and invites all Austrians to get involved:

“We are creating a platform and inviting everyone who wants to change Austria for the better to work with us. Our country is full of people with great ideas and solutions on how we can move Austria forward together.”

Against disillusionment with politics and party infiltration

The dissatisfaction of the population is evident, as numerous surveys show. It cuts across practically all policy areas, from A for labor market to Z for immigration. Politicians are no longer trusted to solve problems. Corruption and party collusion inhibit the state’s ability to act. While both established and new parties are increasingly fishing for votes with extreme positions, SERVUS will reach out to the people and offer the broad middle of society a new, actually electable alternative. And yes, SERVUS also has a party program.

No left, no right – it’s a matter of right or wrong

Objective politics must be free of ideological blinders. It is the best minds and the strongest ideas that should be found and implemented. For SERVUS, when it comes to political decisions and filling positions, for example in administration and state-affiliated companies, only competence rather than party membership counts.

Co-founder Martin Fankhauser on the political orientation of the SERVUS party:

“The time is now for real change in Austria’s political culture. We don’t want any more constant hiccups and fake solutions. We need politics that develops sustainable, good solutions and implements them.”

Create structures to solve challenges sustainably

The excessive bureaucracy is a stumbling block not only for the economy, but also in many other areas of life. This over-regulation has already become a disadvantage for the location and leads to an inefficient use of tax money. A central goal of SERVUS is therefore a real administrative and federalism reform for Austria.

For strengthening direct democracy

The SERVUS party advocates a fundamental reform of political structures and a strengthening of direct democracy in Austria in order to ensure more transparent, fairer and more efficient design and administration. Increased personal responsibility and active involvement of citizens in the political process promotes a vibrant, participatory democracy. Because the sovereign is the people. And the self-image of responsible politics of elected representatives must be to serve the people.

The time is now for a new political culture

With the SERVUS party, a new voice comes into Austrian politics that is ready to take on the challenges and offer solutions that improve the lives of all Austrians. We invite everyone who believes in better, fairer and forward-looking politics to join us. At SERVUS the future begins now. New people, supporters and candidates as well as other party content will be introduced in the coming days and weeks.

About the SERVUS party

The SERVUS party was founded on April 4th, 2024 in Salzburg. The chairman is the native Carinthian and expert in the field of business and organizational consulting Ing. MMMag. Hannes Pirker, MAIS, his deputy the busy Tyrolean entrepreneur Martin Fankhauser. In accordance with its statutes, SERVUS is committed to Austrian and European fundamental values ​​and is committed to objective, ideology-free and sustainable policymaking. The party is financed through membership fees and donations. Additional Information:

Pictures, videos and further information:

· Introduction of the founders:

· Download party program:

· Text video speech by party founder PIRKER:

· Video:

· Images for editorial use:
Photo credit: © SERVUS Party / Daniel Meischl

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