Unmistakable: The Russian on TV usually has too many badges and drinks.
Photo: Disney+
When immature children run together, there are better a few adults on site – regardless of whether in the sandpit, in road traffic or in the White House. Eight years ago, for example, when Donald Trump became an Infantile Schulofrowdy President, everyone was glad that adults prevented worse at his side.
It was similarly tricky on October 27, 1981 when a Soviet submarine strayed on the coast of Sweden and almost provoked the American system enemy for a short-circuit story in the neutral state.
After all, the president was a certain Ronald Reagan, Hollywood star with cowboy hat and a short fuss, who was mentally, but not moral, let alone humanly superior to the inadequate alcoholic Leonid Brezhnev and shared something very dangerous with his counterpart in the Kremlin: her direct environment existed almost fully From jasagers without a backbone, courage or opinion.
Except for Gaby and Daria. The secretaries of the testosterone-stupid world power leaders sit in the Disney+series »Whiskey on the Rocks« 8,000 flight kilometers and officially serve the abors. In private, however, they are not only familiar, but the only reasonable gifted in the control centers of those cold days of war. When their superiors insult themselves again on the red phone, they translate the fetter into diplomatic phrases. “For world peace, Halleluja,” says Gaby in Jonas Jonason’s Persiflage “Whiskey on the Rocks”, who tells the incident on the Swedish south coast with similar pleasure in the bizarre humor as in his bestseller “The hundred -year -old, who climbed and disappeared from the window «.
Under Björn Stein’s direction, the real framework of autumn 1981 remains securing. However, the details are quite generous interpretations of well -known events. While U 137, according to the current state of knowledge, came north from the east course due to technical problems (perhaps also) and ran aground at Karlskrona, Stein blames a pregnancy of the crew. Russians hold. Sweden, on the other hand, are beach shocks such as Harry and Georg Jansson, who are the first to discover the ship and report to the head of government through a few detours when he is feeding sheep.
So early on, the fifth divider makes it clear that he prefers to keep it with stereotypes than with facts. Prime Minister Fälldin (Rolf Lassgård) actually operated as a buffer zone between the impulse -controlled Ronald Reagan (Mark Noble) and Leonid Brezhnev (Kestutis Stasys Jakstas). But almost everything that occurs three hours around his efforts to avert the Third World War belongs to the realm of historically primed imagination. The secretaries included. But that doesn’t matter. On the contrary.
How the Stockholmer Taube tries to appeal with the smart USSR ambassador Kosygina (Elsa Saisio) falcon in Kremlin and white house, but also your own military of four-star general Lagerkrantz (Niklas Engdahl) is often crazy. However, all the grimaces of excessive characters in eccentric 80s scenery and costumes are recognizable to the subordinate purpose of the pastoral care. Because, as in older war councilors (Stanley Kubricks “Dr. Strange”, for example or Barry Levinsons “Wag the Dog”), the plot on the edge of the nuclear catastrophe becomes easier to digest thanks to the bizarre humor.
After all, the current sole rulers in Moscow or Washington have practically no more adults in the narrow haze. Vladimir Putin lets any criticism of his growing power in Gulag 2.0 suffocated, while Donald Trump only gives himself a base of the bustle and would legally follow everyone else like his Russian counterpart if one would leave him. The fact that this has not seemed excluded since the inauguration on January 20, “Whiskey on the Rocks” makes the cheerful contribution of a beer -earned debate about Checks and Balances drunken autocrats that leaves nothing and no one.
Certainly no figures in contemporary history. Even Charlie Chaplin did not make his “great dictator” Anton Hynkel much more ridiculous than this ruler of huge empires in 1940. It is to be hoped that we will be able to laugh even in four years if the lifelong captain Peskov (Andrius Bialobzeskis) in the fever madness à la »Apocalypse now« almost hunted up the nuclear warheads on board his maneuverable submarine. A few adults on board prevent him from doing so. After all, there are more than children. Still.
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