Sensational election success for Lower Austria Bauernbund

Sensational election success for Lower Austria Bauernbund

The voters have confirmed the work of the Lower Austrian Peasant Association with an impressive election success: At the Chamber of Agriculture on March 9, the farmers’ association was able to win all 21 districts and the election at the state level. It is therefore clear that the farmers’ association continues to provide the entire top of the Chamber of Agriculture and all district farmers, including deputies.

“This result is a strong sign of trust and at the same time a clear mission for the future,” emphasizes farmers’ association candidate and chamber president Johannes Schmuckenschlager. “The farmers know who they can rely on – not only before, but also after the elections.”

With the current election result of around 82 percent, the agricultural -political course for the next five years is clear: The Lower Austria farmers’ association remains the leading force in agriculture and forestry, the strong voice for the farmers and their reliable partner – both at the state level and in all 21 district farmers chambers.

This result means that the Lower Austrian Bauernbund is the best result among all chamber of agricultural elections across Austria. With around 47 percent, the turnout is also significantly higher than other chamber elections. The high turnout proves how important the farmers are and how much they appreciate the service and advice.

Unique mobilization: Farmers’ Association as the only parliamentary group started across the board

As the only parliamentary group, the farmers’ association competed in all 21 district farmers and on the state list. Particularly noteworthy: in Mödling, the farmers’ association even ran as the only party.

Despite the currently tense political situation and the greatest competition from more parties than ever before, more than 8 out of 10 farm voters decided on the farmers’ association. “This choice was under the motto ‘everyone against the Bauernbund’ – and yet we achieved a sensational result under the most difficult conditions,” said Schmuckenschlager and Lower Austria Bauernbund chairman LH -StV. Stephan Pernkopf.

In the past few weeks, all parties have mobilized against the Bauernbund – even Greenpeace fought together with the FPÖ and others against the farmers’ association. “But being against the farmers’ association is not sufficient as a political concept. Our success shows that content, reliability and passionate commitment is important. A big thank you to the thousands of farmers’ bundles who have clarified what distinguishes us in countless personal conversations, ”said Schmuckenschlager.

The farmers’ association remains the strong motor in the People’s Party

Pernkopf sees an impressive proof of trust in the election success and a clear work order: “This result confirms our successful path and shows that the farmers’ association is a reliable partner in challenging times. The farmers’ association remains the strong motor of the People’s Party. Congratulations to the candidates of the Lower Austrian Farmers’ Association and a big thank you to everyone who participated in this sensational result. ”

The farmers do not tolerate the concerns

For Schmuckenschlager and Pernkopf, the election result primarily underlines the deep roots of the farmers’ association in the country: “We are, today, the only faction that women sent to the state parliament – a strong socio -political signal, especially in view of yesterday’s World Women’s Day. In addition, we have the youngest team and all districts and industries are present in the state chamber by the Lower Austria Bauernbund. Now it is about converting this trust with full energy into concrete work. The concerns of the farmers do not tolerate a delay! “

The detailed analysis of the election result will take place next Friday at the meeting of the State Farm Council, the highest body in the Lower Austrian Bauernbund.

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