Security begins at home!

Security begins at home!

Linz (ots) –

“At home is the place where you feel the safest – but the risk of being confronted with a fire is highest”explains Di Dr. Günther Schwabegger, press spokesman BVS – fire prevention center for Upper Austria (BVS Upper Austria)

In a joint press conference of the Upper Austrian Fire Brigade Councilor Michaela Langer-Weninger and the BVS Upper Austria, the importance of preventive security measures in their own 4 walls was pointed out. Statistical figures from BVS Upper Austria. prove:

  • 90% of the fire events with death consequences occur in residential buildings or private apartments.
  • 70% of brand deaths die from flue gas poisoning, 20% due to burns and 10% from other causes.
  • In the period 2006 – 2023 were on average
  • 45 building fires with 48 brandedote.

Already simple measures with little effort, such as

  • independent annual checks,
  • The installation of smoke alarms,
  • the purchase of fire extinguishers and that
  • Keep the escape routes freely

Increase security at home and protect human life!

More information at:

BVS – fire prevention point OÖ Reg. Cooperative mbh
Petzoldstrasse 45, 4020 Linz

OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | BVO

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