ScienceCenter network receives state award for adult education

ScienceCenter network receives state award for adult education

“And in the middle of it all, science” was presented today in the category of strengthening trust in science and democracy by Federal Minister Dr. Martin Polaschek awarded.

Vienna (OTS)We knew from our years of experience in communicating science that we could get children and young people excited about science. The fact that adults are also curious about topics and questions in science, seek conversations, discuss together and experience hands-on how science works is our special highlight of the project, for which we are also accepting the State Prize for Adult Education today“, says Dr. Barbara Streicher, managing director of the ScienceCenter Network association, is delighted with this award.

The ScienceCenter Network association develops unusual formats for communicating science and consciously goes to everyday places to bring people into contact with science and researchers.

Barbara Streicher: “In the project ‘And in the middle, science’, we succeeded in a very special way in bringing many different people into conversation with each other in order to discover science together in everyday life, to put it in relation to ourselves and thus to trigger thought impulses. It was fascinating to see how people who previously described science as ‘not for me’ had intensive conversations with scientists, mediators and each other in the middle of the shopping center. Instead of initial skepticism, an understanding of science emerged as something that is present and relevant in everyday life. Today’s award with the State Prize increases our joy. Thanks to the Ministry of Science and everyone who supported us in implementing the project, especially to our project partner PlanSinn.

Excerpt from the jury’s statement on the State Prize for Adult Education

“The project ‘And in the middle, science’ by the ScienceCenter Network association impresses with its openness and low-threshold approach. Citizens can come into contact with scientists in everyday life, virtually in passing, discuss results and carry out experiments. People’s stories and perspectives take center stage and are intertwined with science. This has made it possible to break down prejudices and reduce the distance to scientific results. Especially in times of fake news and conspiracy theories, it is important to spread knowledge about scientific work and trust in scientific results to the general population. The “And in the Middle, Science” project achieves this in an exemplary manner.”

And in the middle of it all, science

The project “And in the middle, science” by the ScienceCenter Network association changed perspectives in science communication: Starting from what is relevant for citizens from Floridsdorf and Donaustadt, scientific topics were identified and presented in a clear way for the audience in the shopping center processed.

What initially began with workshops in retirement homes, youth facilities and neighborhood initiatives culminated in an open space in which questions and topics were further worked on together with scientists from the two districts. In the last step, three key questions were selected, which were made “comprehensible” and visible in a mini knowledge room in the Westfield Danube Center.

  • Why do we have to work?
  • What will mobility look like in the future?
  • And what do we think of when it comes to science?

In November 2023, a publicly accessible mini knowledge space was created in the middle of the Donaustadt shopping center, allowing passers-by to directly experience the importance of science in everyday life. With free admission, various interactive stations and mediators invited people to participate and discuss science “in the middle”.

The project “And in the middle, science” was funded by the cultural department of the City of Vienna as part of the call “On the knowledge of the many – communicating science in Vienna”.

The ScienceCenter Network Association

The ScienceCenter network is the competence center for interactive science communication in Austria with the aim of bringing people into contact with science and technology. Since its founding in 2005, the association has set itself the goal of designing innovative formats and projects for hands-on, dialogue-oriented science communication.

The association further develops science education and organizes further training and exchange and coordinates the Austria-wide ScienceCenter network as an association of diverse organizations and people from education, research, art, culture, museums and education.

The core tasks of the ScienceCenter Network association are supported by the City of Vienna, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, the Austrian Chamber of Labor, the Association of Industrialists, the Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein and AVL List GmbH.

Questions & Contact:

ScienceCenter Network
Mag. Bettina Klinger
+43 676 897578-320

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