Schnedlitz to SPÖ Minister Holzleitner: “Only fear of the voters and items keep these ‘losing amnudes’ together!”
Vienna (OTS) –

“Prevent Herbert Kickl, prevent the FPÖ and, above all, prevent new elections – the fear of their own population is the only putty that holds this ‘loser parameter’ together. The most expensive federal government of all time with the worst program of all time is the last contingent of the system parties, which are only concerned with their maintenance and position while working against the interests of their own population. SPÖ Women’s Minister Holzleitner confirmed this again today, ”said FPÖ general secretary NABG. Michael Schledlitz on the appearance of SPÖ women’s and science minister Holzleitner in the ORF “press hour”.

“Continue as before-only worse” is the motto of the black-red-pink “system spampers”, as she stipulated in her “anti-Austria program”: “The illegal mass immigration is opened further, the ÖVP pocket trick when family reunification does not change anything. The EU subordination is taken to the extreme, while our economy is sent on a descent and the prosperity and social security of people are further destroyed. The fact that the SPÖ maintains its demand for new burdens in the form of wealth taxes, as Holzleitner emphasizes, only shows what a ghost trip this government is on and who the former ÖVP economic party has brought up to the government bank from pure greed for power: flawless marxists who want to grab people deeper into the wallet and to which performance is a foreign word! “

The “loser ambulance” predicted Schledlitz for a long future, which has led Germany to the edge of the abyss, could not work with us either. “That is why we will keep freely against it and strengthen our shoulder with the Austrians every single day. Anyone who works against the interests of the people like Stocker, Babler, Meinl -Reisinger and Co. has no future, but only the one who sees himself as a tool and servant of the population – and this is the FPÖ with a folk chancellor Herbert Kickl, who will take care of the Austrians for five good years after the end of this traffic lights, ”explained the freedom general secretary.

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