Salzburg: “Theological Prize” awarded to Hans-Joachim Höhn

Subtitle: “Salzburg University Weeks” drew Cologne theologians and
Religious philosopher for his life’s work – laudator
Schmidt: Höhn pursues “theology that is timely” – Höhn:
Plea for “aphoristic theology” =

Salzburg (KAP) – The German theologian and religious philosopher Prof.
Hans-Joachim Höhn is the winner of the “Theological Prize” from Salzburg
University Weeks honored for his life’s work. Hohn
received the prize worth 5,000 euros on Wednesday evening
Salzburg. Höhn is “one of the most influential contemporary voices
Catholic theology” and at the same time a “committed advocate for one
“reasonable speech from God,” says the jury’s statement
the university week chairman Prof. Martin Dürnberger at the award ceremony
on Wednesday evening in the Great Auditorium of the University of Salzburg

His work is “both analytically sharp and essayistic
easy”, it brings “communicative reason with a groping approach
Trust in God in the conversation” and lead “confidently through sociological
Discourses of the present as well as through motifs from tradition,” says the
Jury continues. “In short: Anyone who wants to know how a question arises theologically
the height of time and reason can be addressed is in
Höhn’s writings are always in good hands.”

Those present at the ceremony included Archbishop Franz Lackner,
Archabbot Korbinian Birnbacher (St. Peter), Abbot Theodor Hausmann (Abbey
St. Stephan), Abbot Johannes Perkmann (Michaelbeuern Abbey), Alter Abbot
Jeremias Schröder (St. Georgenberg), and Archabbot Wolfgang Öxler
(St. Ottilien Archabbey) and representatives from politics
and society. This year the prize was awarded by the Benedictine monastery of St.
Georgenberg donated.

Schmidt: Höhn pursues “theology that is timely”

The laudatory speech for Höhn was given by the Frankfurt religious philosopher Prof.
Thomas M. Schmidt. Schmidt, a long one, until the joint
His friendship with Höhn goes back to his time as a student
the award winner as a brilliant thinker who always cares about…
synthesis of theology and philosophy and thus for
Generations of students become a role model and role model in everyone
“respects”. If you want to boil down Höhn’s work to a common denominator
bring, this is his struggle for a “theology that is timely
is,” said Schmidt, referring to a publication of the same name
Höhns from the 1990s.

Höhn has been working productively since the 1980s
Work by Jürgen Habermas on communicative action. Similar
Both have perspectives on the relationship between rite and
Sacrament or the meaning of ritual practice. If Höhn this
That is what I call practice as the “reasonable other of reason”.
entirely in the vein of Habermas in his last great work
I also followed “a history of philosophy”. So do it
In his works, Höhn always “explains the matter to those who believe
to reason and to reason the matter of faith
represented,” said Schmidt.

Höhn: Plea for “aphoristic theology”

In his words of thanks, Höhn outlined key points
“aphoristic theology”. A contemporary speech about God is not necessary
only be provocative, but rather aphoristic in form
“brevity and spice”. After all, that’s what language is
“the most important tool” of theology – it comes up accordingly
every single word. This has to be sitting, irritating, provoking
and may also contain humorous refractions.

With numerous examples, Höhn showed what he is currently interested in
of an upcoming publication: the search for a new,
concise form of language for theology, both against one
“trivialization of statements of faith” as well as against one
to proceed with dogmatization. Aphorisms are suitable for “religious
“To make speech bubbles burst” – for example, by following the speech of
to counter a “kneeling theology” with the question of what
could come out if the knee became the thinking organ: “First in the
“Kneeled, then fell on your head,” is one of the examples,
which Höhn led.

Anything that doesn’t fit into short texts is “not even worth mentioning,”
the theologian said with conviction. In a time when sentences from
and if there were “hardly any takers” for God, it would be necessary to act as one
to be “vocabulary diggers” and “search for the poetic claims of the
God’s speech,” concluded Höhn. “God has his say,
if we fight for it.”

Biographical notes

Hans-Joachim Höhn was born in Nomborn/Westerwald in 1957. He
studied philosophy and theology in Frankfurt (St. Georgen) and
Rome (Gregoriana). In 1984 he received his doctorate from the University of Freiburg.
His habilitation followed in 1989 at the University of Bonn. From 1991 to
In 2023 he held the chair for systematic theology and
Philosophy of Religion at the University of Cologne. Höhn has more
published as 20 monographs. Most recently his work “In God’s” was published
Ear. “On the art of poetic speech about God” (2022)

University weeks this year on the topic of trust

This year’s university weeks have the general theme “Fragiles
Trust. About a precious resource”. Speakers include:
Climate researcher Helga Kromp-Kolb (Vienna), the Protestant theologian
Thorsten Dietz (Marburg/Zurich), the philosopher Martin Hartmann
(Luzern), the peace researcher Martina Fischer (Berlin), the
Political scientist Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle (Villach), and the
Jesuit Andreas R. Batlogg (Munich). Preacher at the spiritual
The supporting program for the university weeks this year is the Rector
Anima in Rome, Michael Max. The keynote speech at the end of the
Sociologist Jutta Allmendinger will hold University Week on August 4th.

The Salzburg University Weeks are among the most renowned and
most traditional summer universities in the German-speaking area and
attract hundreds of students and interested parties to one every year
“smart summer retreat” with lectures, workshops and discussions.

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