Ronan Keating inspires at the Vienna Business Ball

Ronan Keating inspires at the Vienna Business Ball

Pop hits by Ronan Keating and a dynamic dance opening moved the Viennese economy.

Vienna (OTS) “We are dedicating this evening primarily to the business people who work every day for the Viennese economy. The Vienna ball season is an excellent advertisement for Viennese culture as well as for the business location with all its multifaceted companies,” says Walter Ruck, Vienna Economic Association regional chairman and President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce.

For over 3,000 ball guests, Friday, January 26, 2024 was a ball night that they will not soon forget: Right at the opening, the Hofburg ballroom was shaken with an energetic dance show by Silvia Schneider and Danilo Campisi and Tanzwerk Wels. Many guests felt motivated to dance themselves and took advantage of the diverse range of music on offer in different halls. At the same time, the numerous guests were able to get to know selected Viennese craft businesses and indulge in culinary delights on the Genuss-Allee. With Ronan Keating for the midnight performance, an international star was brought to the Vienna Business Ball this year.

Continue on “Ludwig-Ruck Weg”.

By designing our own “Ludwig-Ruck Weg” sign at the “W. Drab-Alt Wiener Gußwaren” confirmed WK-Wien President DI Walter Ruck and the Mayor of Vienna Dr. Michael Ludwig, the constructive cooperation in the interests of Viennese entrepreneurs and for Vienna as a business location.

Ronan Keating enthuses

The highlight of the night was Ronan Keating, who heated up the ball mood even further with well-known pop hits. He melted many hearts with his ballads “If Tomorrow Never Comes”, “When You Say Nothing At All” and “Father and Son” and his catchy, positive pop songs “Life Is a Rollercoaster” and “Loving Each Day” encouraged the ball guests to sing along loudly.

In this cheerful atmosphere, many guests dared to perform the midnight quadrille and many also turned night into day at the Radio-Wien Disco with DJ Alex List or in the Campari Bar. During short dance breaks, the ball guests relaxed in the foyer in the recreated “Vienna City Park” and in the “Vienna Prater” with the wheel of fortune and cotton candy.

Among the ball guests were seen, among others:

  • Walter Ruck, regional chairman of the Vienna Economic Association, President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
  • Michael Ludwig, Mayor of Vienna
  • Peter Hanke, Vienna City Councilor for Finance and Economics
  • Kasia Greco, Vice President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
  • Margarete Kriz-Zwittkovits, Vice President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
  • Hans Arsenovic, Vice President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
  • Alexander Safferthal, Vice President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
  • Alexander Biach, Vienna location lawyer, deputy director of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
  • Karlheinz Kopf, Secretary General WKÖ
  • Kurt Egger, Secretary General of the Economic Association
  • Othmar Karas, Vice-President of the EU Parliament
  • Mario Watz, AUVA-Obmann
  • Marko Fischer, President SWV Vienna
  • Karl Pisec, ball chairman, entrepreneur
  • Karl Mahrer, state party chairman ÖVP Vienna
  • Maria Smodics-Neumann, Member of the National Council, Head of the Trade and Crafts Division (WKW)
  • Margarete Gumprecht, Spartenobfrau Handel (WKW)
  • Rainer Trefelik, Spartenobmann Handel (WKÖ)
  • Markus Grießler, Head of the Tourism and Leisure Industry Division (WKW)
  • Davor Sertic, Division Chairman Transport and Traffic (WKW)
  • Martin Heimhilcher, Division Chairman Information and Consulting (WKW)
  • Martin Prunbauer, President of the Austrian House and Landowners Association (ÖHGB)
  • Clemens Schmidgruber, Chairman of Young Economy Vienna
  • Monica Rintersbacher, Managing Director of Leitbetriebe Austria
  • Judith Pühringer, Vienna City Councilor
  • Peter Kraus, city councilor
  • Christine Dubravac-Widholm, Brigittenau district manager
  • Martin Fabisch, Josefstadt district manager
  • Marcus Franz, District Manager Favoriten
  • Thomas Steinhart, district leader Simmering
  • Peter Jagsch, Hernals district manager
  • Ernst Nevrivy, District Manager Donaustadt
  • Daniel Resch, Döbling district manager
  • Nikolaus Ebert, Hietzing district manager
  • Michaela Schüchner, Penzing district manager
  • Silvia Schneider, ORF star, presenter and actress
  • Danilo Campisi – Dancing-Star

Questions & Contact:

Vienna Economic Association
Richard Jank, MA
Marketing & Communication
01 512 76 31-22

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