RKI protocols show: Corona measures were evidence-free staging by politics and the military

Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act provide deep insights

The German magazine “Multipolar” sued on the basis of the German Freedom of Information Act for the publication of the meeting minutes of the German Corona crisis team, which was based at the RKI (Robert Koch Institute). They prove that people were informed from the start that the corona pandemic was less dangerous than a flu epidemic. It was also clear that most measures would not help or even harm. All steps in dealing with the pandemic were ordered by politicians and the military without any scientific debate.

On March 16, 2020, the RKI decided to scale the threat posed by the so-called Covid-19 pandemic from “moderate” to “high” “as soon as (redacted) gives a signal for this.” At the same time, the German federal government published a collaboration between the federal and state governments – apparently a script that was politically agreed upon in advance was followed. The upscaling was announced the following day.

The order that the pandemic should be viewed as a “high threat” was, as explained above, not the result of an open-ended scientific debate. It came from a single person whose name is currently blacked out. Further lawsuits are pending in this regard. Research by German data analyst Tom Lausen showed that it was almost certainly General Staff Surgeon Dr. Hans-Ulrich Holtherm acts.

It is proven that the pandemic panic did not start due to medical evidence, but rather due to political and military calls!

LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ Klubobmann

The fact that this high-ranking soldier, himself of course only a recipient of orders, exercised command over the crisis team is also made clear by the Corona investigation committee in Berlin-Brandenburg. When questioned, the then RKI boss Lothar Wieler stated that he followed orders from Holtherm. What did this general staff doctor, who was well connected with NATO and WHO, order – in some cases completely ignoring the proven facts?

There was no technical justification for the “starting signal” of the Corona panic. Instead, a political instruction for action is noted in the minutes: “It should be scaled up this week.” The accompanying documents that deal with this decision, which have also been released, show that there is no information or documents that justify this measure. Germany plunged itself and with it large parts of the emulating world into the well-known Corona panic.

The RKI knew internally that “recovery and vaccination certificates” were completely meaningless. It is documented from February 8, 2021 that people were fully informed that the vaccination does not protect against infection. However, it was believed that it could prevent serious complications – which ultimately turned out to be a false assumption. This is relevant because the messages conveyed by politicians and the media at that time were completely different: people were told that the vaccination would protect themselves and others – the untruth against their better judgment.

Further documents prove that there was no technical justification for giving tested people privileges over untested people. Likewise, there was no justification for giving preference to vaccinated people. Because all of these groups could very well become infected and pass on the disease. The protocols also show that the WHO at that time advised against discrimination based on vaccination certificates due to ethical considerations – but they acted differently.

Against our better judgment, people claimed that the vaccinations would protect against infection. The documents prove this.

LAbg. Dagmar Häusler, BSc., MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman Deputy.

Internally, it was clear early on that the vaccination certificates were not suitable for determining a person’s infectivity – rather, they wanted to document whether those vaccinated would experience long-term effects. However, it was officially denied at the time – and is still being denied today – that such long-term consequences even exist. Rather, people were advised to take the “safe, effective and tested” vaccination – this recommendation was even made to pregnant women and children. The RKI protocols contain many more details – but these remain hidden for the time being, many relevant pages are blacked out. Worrying: Vaccinations and vaccination certificates were already discussed on April 22, 2020, when there was officially no vaccination yet.

It must be fully clarified whose orders were followed here in Austria. Is there a criminal case here?

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

On December 16, 2020, the RKI found out – again only internally – that the damage caused by lockdowns is greater than their benefits. An increase in child mortality could even be expected. Literally: “Consequences of the lockdown sometimes have more serious consequences than COVID itself.”

And on March 19, 2021, it was stated: The main risk of dying from Covid-19 is age. At the beginning of the vaccination campaign, we knew very well that children and young people were not affected by this disease at all. And it goes even further: “Covid-19 should not be compared to influenza, more people die in a normal wave of influenza.”

Joachim Aigner gets to the point: “The public was deceived and, under false pretenses, pressured into measures restricting fundamental rights and even experimental vaccinations, without there being any scientific justification for this. Is there a criminal case here? The MFG will closely monitor the processing of these documents and also ensure in Austria that this has consequences for those responsible. Because we remember clearly: even in this country, evidence-free orders came from politicians and the military – suddenly General Rudolf Striedinger was running around in a camouflage suit and explaining the world in government press conferences. All of these processes must be fully clarified – that’s what the MFG stands for.”

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