Riedlsperger succeeds Stangl as chairman of the state positions committee

Graz/Vienna (OTS) –

At the constitutive meeting of the AUVA Graz regional office committee, KommR Akad. Vkfm. Gunther Riedlsperger as chairman and Wolfgang Cerne unanimously elected as deputy chairman.

Both were then sworn in as supervisory authorities by a representative of the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection.

Gunther Riedlsperger follows KommR Günther Stangl after, who headed the state office committee for 14 years “and always worked with great commitment for the interests of the workforce, the insured and the patients,” said the director of the AUVA Graz state office, DI Dr. Hannes Weißenbacher.

The 53-year-old KommR Akad. Vkfm. Gunther Riedlsperger (ÖVP) has been an entrepreneur for 31 years with currently ten employees in Deutschlandsberg, western Styria. Since 2000 he has been elected to various positions in the WKO Styria and at the federal level.

“The AUVA and its facilities in Styria and Carinthia have an outstanding reputation – we need to build on this and strengthen people’s trust in our institutions.”says the new state office chairman Gunther Riedlsperger.

Wolfgang Cerne (SPÖ) follows in his role as deputy chairman of the AUVA state office committee Andreas Hemmer after. Wolfgang Cerne is works council chairman of the Brucker paper producer Sappi Austria Production. Wolfgang Cerne is also deputy chairman of the ÖGB in the Styrian central area.


The regional managing body is the State Office Committee. The interest groups of employers and employees in the federal states of Styria and Carinthia nominate the representatives of the insured persons. In order to be closer to the insured, the organizational form of self-administration is used optimally.

The chairman of a state committee in the General Accident Insurance Institution has several tasks (excerpts):

  • Direct and manage the affairs of the committee
  • Representation of the AUVA in various committees and towards authorities in the state (Styria and Carinthia)
  • Participation in the implementation of prevention, health care and rehabilitation measures within the framework of accident insurance
  • Representation of the states in the nationwide self-governing bodies

These tasks are important for the efficient administration and ensuring of accident insurance benefits.

AUVA Graz regional office

The AUVA Graz regional office is responsible for the states of Styria and Carinthia. The AUVA state office in the city of Graz and the AUVA branch in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee achieve the greatest possible proximity to the insured while at the same time observing the principle of cost-effectiveness. This ensures efficient, rapid and competent support for more than 920,000 insured people and companies.

The AUVA Graz regional office is also responsible for the management of the AUVA accident hospital in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee and the AUVA accident hospital in Styria with its two locations in Graz and Kalwang.



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