“Report”: Karl Nehammer’s chancellor speech, alliance against right-wing extremists, Kay-Michael Dankl’s recipes for success

On January 30th at 9:05 p.m. on ORF 2; Guest in the studio: Minister of Social Affairs and Health Johannes Rauch

Vienna (OTS) Susanne Schnabl will present the “Report” on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, at 9:05 p.m. on ORF 2 with the following topics:

Nehammer’s announcement

With his chancellor’s speech in Wels, the ÖVP boss is trying to retain or bring back potential swing voters to the FPÖ. This unofficial election program makes it less likely that open points in the turquoise-green government program will be implemented. Will government continue until autumn or will the election be brought forward? An analysis by Julia Ortner, Martin Pusch and Alexander Sattmann.

The Green Social and Health Minister Johannes Rauch is a guest in the studio.

Alliance against right-wing extremists

In Germany, hundreds of thousands of people from civil society have taken a clear position against the racist expulsion fantasies of the right-wing extremist Austrian Martin Sellner and against the AfD. In Austria, activists also called for a large rally against right-wing ideas. Organized by NGOs, the SPÖ and the Greens have also joined the call, the other parties are keeping a low profile. Given the upcoming election campaign, is there such broad mobilization again as in the 2016 federal presidential election, when some spoke of the Van der Bellen coalition? Helga Lazar and Miriam Ressi report.

Who’s afraid of dark red?

KPÖ top candidate Kay-Michael Dankl has a serious chance of making it to the runoff election and becoming mayor in the Salzburg municipal council elections. After Elke Kahr in Graz, he would be the second mayor of a state capital to be appointed by the communists. His opponent from the ÖVP, Florian Kreibich, is already warning of the “red danger”; the SPÖ sees him as a “populist copy” of social democracy. An election victory for the KPÖ in Salzburg would also mean tailwind for the upcoming National Council elections. But what makes Dankl so popular? And can you also transfer your recipes for success to the federal level? Yilmaz Gülüm reports.

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