“Report” about SPÖ turmoil, the difficult situation for Ukrainians in Austria and a horror house in the 20th district

On February 20th at 9:05 p.m. on ORF 2; SPÖ chairman Andreas Babler is a guest in the studio

Vienna (OTS) Susanne Schnabl will present the “Report” on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 9:05 p.m. on ORF 2 with the following topics:

New boss, old problems

The SPÖ cannot escape its turbulence. Instead of pulling together, internal debates are overshadowing the ongoing election campaign. Andreas Babler is massively criticized in public. Party friends tell him to change his course and move the party more towards the center in terms of content. The background to this trench warfare is probably the concern of some comrades that they will not play a role in forming a government after the upcoming National Council elections. The Mayor of Vienna, Michael Ludwig, and the Governor of Carinthia, Peter Kaiser, have already named their desired future partner – the ÖVP. An analysis by Julia Ortner, Martin Pusch and Alexander Sattmann.

Live in the studio: SPÖ chairman Andreas Babler.

Difficult situation for Ukrainians in Austria

February 24th marks the second anniversary of the start of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. There are currently around 70,000 Ukrainians in Austria. At the beginning of the refugee movement, there was still great hope that the often highly qualified Ukrainians would be quickly integrated into the labor market:
Some hurdles – such as the employment permit – have been lifted for them. Nevertheless, only around 17,000 refugees from Ukraine are employed. Why is integration into the labor market so slow? And how are the Ukrainian students doing in Austrian schools? A report by Helga Lazar and Miriam Ressi.

The horror house

In the middle of Vienna’s 20th district, on Salzachstrasse, there is a house that has become a nightmare for its residents. Since last summer, a number of new tenants have moved in – most of them are recognized refugees from Syria. However, the apartments are desolate, many have no radiators and there were no bathrooms or kitchens. A tenant is still waiting to get a lockable entrance door. In addition, the gas was turned off for two months from mid-December. There is a suspicion that the owners want to scare away the existing tenants so that they can then increase the value of the house. Why do such cases still occur even though politicians have been promising remedies for years? Yilmaz Gülüm – for “Report” – and Robert Gordon – for “Konkret” – looked at this case.

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