Renaturation law takes away self-determination rights and causes lasting damage to Austria

Voters are once again disenfranchised – it’s time to say stop!

“Whenever it suits them, the government politicians act as if the constitution and democracy are sacred to them,” explains LABg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman, grimly. “But in fact, we are handing over more and more decision-making authority to foreign countries, damaging the country and the people – and as a result, higher-level institutions will be wiped out again. We Austrians know best how to protect our beautiful country!”

The People-Freedom-Fundamental Rights (MFG) party is the only political force in Austria that really fights for nature and environmental protection. This can be seen, for example, in the current debates about the construction of new wind farms in the middle of landscapes and forests that are worthy of protection. These projects serve purely ideological interests of the Greens or economic interests of the ÖVP’s good friends. Neither the population nor nature is served by this – and this approach runs like a common thread through the politics of the parties mentioned.

The MFG therefore expressly declares that it is opposed to the EU renaturation law. Since the ÖVP could have easily prevented the Greens from going it alone, there is a suspicion that this was an act to deceive the population. In fact, the ÖVP has once again stabbed “its” farmers in the back, but actually the entire population.

“We Austrians know best how to protect our beautiful country! We don’t need Brussels or Strasbourg for that!”

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

With its diverse and protected nature, Austria has proven over many decades that the people in our country care about preserving nature and that they themselves know exactly how to achieve this. Nobody waited for a call from Brussels or Strasbourg. “The fact that national sovereignty in this area should now be handed over to the EU is undoubtedly logical from the ÖVP & Co.’s point of view, since in the future they will be able to rely on others if orders come against the will of the people. “The party friends will certainly earn well again, and ÖVP deals always take care of that,” explains Aigner.

“In the spirit of the principle of subsidiarity, decision-making authority in these matters should remain in Austria or in the nation states, as an EU law can never take sufficient account of the different national and regional circumstances,” Aigner continues. “Or, to put it simply, some bureaucrats in distant countries certainly cannot meaningfully decide what is good, right and important for us in Austria.”

The MFG fears that the ÖVP will in the future infiltrate the interests of the business lobbies closely associated with them even more through the back door of the EU, without being able to take action against it at the national level. “With this policy, our population is being betrayed and sold.”

“ÖXIT would be a real peace project for Austria!”

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

Joachim Aigner already made it clear on Thursday, June 6, 2024, what would really help Austria from the MFG’s perspective – be it peace or sovereignty: ÖXIT, i.e. the exit from this European Union. Up to 33 percent, i.e. a third of Austrians, would now like that. This wish led to turmoil, especially among the ÖVP MPs; they probably saw their good business disappearing, which they would like to continue to do at the expense of the population.

You can find further information about the MFG’s fight for the environment and nature here:

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MFG Austria
(+43 732) 93167 6500

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