A current ÖTK survey shows that the documentation effort for many veterinary practices is up to eight hours a week – this corresponds to an entire working day. “The increasing bureaucracy not only affects operational efficiency, but also the attractiveness and thus motivation in individual areas (e.g. livestock practice), which is still underestimated by the impending loss of regional veterinary care,” emphasizes ÖTK President Mag. Kurt Frühwirth.
Practitioners must fulfill countless entrepreneurial duties as part of their independent professional practice and thus provide recording and documentation services. In addition, you must also meet special professional regulations, since the veterinary system itself is embedded in countless legal provisions. The latter condition extensive documentation and administrative services or are under the test for official controls. In the event of an employment of employees, there are other obligations.
As a consequence, many colleagues turn their backs on the profession or do not even turn to veterinary activity (over 35%). This trend should stimulate thinking, since a highly qualified training financed with tax money cannot be effective without later exercise.
“As veterinarians, like other health professions, we simply want to pursue our veterinary activity and do not want to struggle with exuberant time -consuming administration and documentation. Politicians are therefore urgently demanded to take measures to ensure sustainable relief in veterinary professional practice, we are ready for discussions and an intensive exchange, ”says Frühwirth in conclusion.
Mag. Silvia Stefan-Gromen, Austrian Veterinary Chamber,
Department Head of Media & Communication, Tel. 01/512 17 66 DW 41
Email: silvia.gromen@tieraerztekammer.at
OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – www.ots.at | Tie