“Reality has caught up with us again: the blatant failure of the Vienna city government and the federal government in security issues endanger the population every day. The tragic events in Villach once again show that red and black only react to the only thing that finally affects to act, ”criticizes the Vienna FPÖ chairman City Councilor Dominik Nepp in his speech in his speech on the special meeting of the Vienna municipal council requested by the FPÖ on the subject of security.
“Whether in the Islamist terrorist attack in Vienna in 2020 or the numerous knife attacks by illegal migrants – there are expressions of affairs every time, but there are no sustainable consequences. SPÖ mayor Ludwig also did not set any security policy accents and further tightened the problems in Vienna with his welcome policy. Interior Minister Karner is in no way inferior to this inactivity – apart from helpless words, he has nothing to show, ”said Nepp.
The case of 13-year-old Leonie, which was brutally raped and murdered by three Afghan asylum seekers. “In 2015, these perpetrators were welcomed with open arms – under the guise of welcome culture, a policy was operated that is directly responsible for such crimes. However, an apology of the politically responsible for their fatal wrong decisions fail to do. That is a shame, ”criticizes the state party chairman.
The FPÖ finally calls for a consistent passage against criminal migrants and no-go zones in Vienna. “The fact that an alcohol ban was imposed on the Franz-Jonas Square shortly before the election is nothing more than a transparent placebo measure. We have been calling for such measures for years, but the SPÖ has always blocked. Well, a few weeks before the election, there is a half -hearted solution – that’s too little and too late, ”explains Nepp.
A sustainable security concept for Vienna must include the introduction of a security city council. “Every year, 700 million euros flow to social benefits to non-Austrians who do not want to contribute to society and do not want to integrate. This money could be invested in the security of the Viennese. As a mayor, I would make sure that this money flows into a security offensive, into additional police forces and the urgently needed capital bonus for our police officers. Because they face particularly challenging tasks every day and earn our full support, ”Nepp continues.
Finally, the FPÖ boss emphasizes that a blue and black federal government with an FPÖ interior minister would have meant enormous security for Vienna. “We had started a personnel offensive with the police, reversed the nightly closures of police inspections and finally ended the welcome culture that Vienna made unsafe. It is a serious mistake that the ÖVP torpedoed such a government – to the damage to the Viennese population, said Nepp.
“The headlines of the past few weeks and months alone show that Viennese immigration policy has failed,” sums up the Vienna FPÖ club chairman Maximilian Krauss. He also adds that ÖVP Interior Minister Karner has completely failed – this shows the “Police Crime Statistics 2023”, which draws a frightening picture: in 2021 there were 144,183 crimes, in 2022 as early as 186,475 crimes. This is an increase within a year of 10.8 percent! Violence has also risen significantly: in 2023, 29,485 violent offenses were reported, 8.2 percent more than in 2022 with 27,240. The figures for rape cases are particularly dramatic: 468 advertisements due to rape were reimbursed in 2023, an increase of 28.2 percent compared to 2022, in which 365 were reported.
“Vienna becomes an Austria’s uncertainty-spot by the system failure of ÖVP and SPÖ! The mere fact that 240 executive plan places are vacant shows that the police are starved while the crime explodes. ”Krauss finally demands a rethink and real measures:“ We need a system change that is shaped by an asylum stop and deportation instead of the Forever of the same hypocrisy. “