“Radikal Conservative”: Exclusive report from the CPAC conference in Budapest – Tuesday, May 21st, 8:15 p.m. on PULS 24 and JOYN

“Radikal Conservative”: Exclusive report from the CPAC conference in Budapest – Tuesday, May 21st, 8:15 p.m. on PULS 24 and JOYN

Theme evening on the shift to the right in Europe with Heiß Umfehdet Spezial, Milborn on Tour: Radical Conservative and Pro and Contra Special with Haimbuchner, Leitl, Menasse, Petry, Tsiklauri

Vienna (OTS) As one of the few independent journalists, PULS has 24 information directors Corinna Milborn got access to the CPAC conference of right-wing parties and activists in Budapest with a camera team. Speakers there included Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbanthe Dutch right-wing populist Geert Wilders and FPÖ EU MP Harald Vilimsky. Former US President Donald Trump sent a video message. Milborn was able to speak to right-wing activists, influencers and politicians on site, including Vilimsky and the head of the German Values ​​Union Hans Georg Maassen interview. The report gives an atmospheric and unadulterated look at the strategy of conservative and right-wing parties in the super election year around the topics of wokeness, gender and migration. The report is the first edition of the documentary format “Milborn on Tour”.

Before that, at 8:00 p.m., exclusive results of an Austria trend survey by Peter Hajek will be presented on PULS 24 and JOYN as part of a “Heiß Umfehdet Spezial”. It’s about dealing with right-wing parties in Austria and Europe. At 9:00 p.m. there will also be a top-class “Pro and Contra Special” LIVE on PULS 24 and JOYN on the subject of the shift to the right in Europe. Guests there are Deputy Governor Manfred Haimbuchner (FPÖ Upper Austria), ex-President of the Chamber of Commerce Christoph Leitlauthor Robert Menasseformer AfD leader Frauke Petry and the European activist and politician Nini Tsiklauri (VOLT). Gundula Geiginger moderated.

“Milborn on Tour” and “Pro and Contra Special” will be repeated on PULS 4 from 10:35 p.m.

Theme evening: shift to the right in Europe

Tuesday, May 21st on PULS 24 and JOYN

8:00 p.m.: Hot Contest Special

8:15 p.m.: Milborn on Tour: Radically Conservative

9:00 p.m.: Pros and Cons Special

From 10:35 p.m. on PULS 4 and JOYN: Repeat of Milborn on Tour and Pro and Contra Special

Questions & Contact:

Andreas Rossmeissl

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