Questionable U-turn in Lohnsburg – wind farm project decided

The wind has changed: Kobernausserwald faces irrevocable destruction

The Lohnsburg local council has approved the construction of a wind farm. “This decision raises doubts about its legality and raises massive concerns about nature and landscape protection,” said LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ club chairman.

At the local council meeting in Lohnsburg am Kobernassierwald on May 23, 2024 – at which LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ club chairman, was personally present as a listener – a surprising majority voted in favor of building a wind farm in the municipal area. The local councilors of the FPÖ voted against it and as a result – completely different from those in Upper Austria. Haimbuchner-FPÖ represented in the state parliament – ​​showed courage and stood against the ÖVP. The representative of the Independent Citizens’ List Lohnsburg (UBL), who was impressively vehement against the wind farm project at the meeting, also voted against it. The ÖVP abstained from voting – one could also say a “cowardly no”. Otherwise, all ÖVP and SPÖ local councilors present voted for the construction of the wind farm. The same project was rejected last year. What led to this change of heart? “It seems strange that many local councilors who voted against the wind farm project last year were not present at the current meeting in which the project was approved and were represented by substitute local councilors. Was there internal pressure exerted here?” said LABg. Manuel Krautgartner.

Financial incentives and legal consequences?

Since the last vote on the project, one key point has changed: compensation for the community was negotiated. The question arises as to whether financial incentives from the wind farm operator led to this sudden turnaround. The appearance of criminally relevant events – such as accepting or granting benefits – cannot be dismissed out of hand. In any case, the wind has changed noticeably, for the project and against environmental and nature conservation. “We will continue to investigate this matter and believe it is very likely that these events will result in legal consequences or at least investigations by the public prosecutor,” emphasizes Manuel Krautgartner.

Dramatic changes to the landscape and destruction of nature

The planned construction of the wind turbines in the Kobernausserwald will dramatically change the landscape and irrevocably destroy nature in this area. The Kobernausserwald is not only a magnificent forest, but also an important habitat for numerous wild animals and migratory birds. As the Upper Austrian environmental lawyer Dipl. Ing. Dr. As Martin Donat explained in a press conference, the Kobernausser Forest is a crucial wildlife corridor and a reservation zone for the black stork and many other species.

“The region is not a particularly windy region,” Krautgartner continued. “From the perspective of the Upper Austrian environmental lawyer, the Kobernausserwald-Hausruck landscape is worth preserving and protecting and should be kept free of wind turbines. We all have a responsibility to preserve the beauty and integrity of our homeland.”

Protection of the Kobernausser Forest for future generations

Krautgartner continued: “It is our duty to preserve intact nature for the future. We owe it to future generations to preserve the beauty and integrity of our Kobernausser Forest.” Opponents have already made clear in the past the negative effects on the landscape and the natural area in the Kobernausser Forest.

“The Kobernausser Forest is our sanctuary, and this jewel would be destroyed by the construction of a wind farm,” concluded Krautgartner. “And why? Here, irrevocably valuable nature is at risk of being destroyed in the name of evidence-free and ideologically charged climate hysteria. I ask myself: Where is nature, animal and landscape protection in the whole debate?

The MFG Upper Austria therefore calls for a thorough and transparent investigation into the events surrounding the local council’s decision and continues to vehemently advocate for the preservation and protection of the Kobernausser Forest.

Questions & Contact:

MFG State Parliament Club Upper Austria
(+43 732) 7720 – 17402

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