Public relations. An opportunity for SMEs.

Public relations.  An opportunity for SMEs.

In an interview, Peter Suwandschieff, PR manager and owner of the PR agency textwerk, explains the importance of PR for small and medium-sized companies.

Vienna (OTS) Today’s companies – whether small or large – want and need to act cleverly and efficiently; Of course, this also applies to corporate communications and professional public relations. Complete support with expensive annual contracts and additional fixed costs usually does not fit into the concept of traditional small and medium-sized companies.

In an interview with MedienManager publisher Otto Koller, Peter Suwandschieff, PR manager and owner of the PR agency textwerk, explains the importance of PR for small and medium-sized companies and shows how easily PR work can be learned and organized independently in the company. He also talks about the potential opportunities that professional PR measures open up for companies and organizations. In contrast to many advertising measures, PR is not perceived as an annoying time thief. PR offers entertaining storytelling in the form of editorial articles about real people with real stories that tell about the benefits and value of a product, service or organization.

Other articles in this release:

SEO is dead long live SEO!

In conversation with SEO veteran Michael Kohlfürst about shifts in chatbot systems for traditional search engines and what these will entail.

A real revolution in the technology world began as early as 2022. ChatGPT has been on everyone’s lips ever since and rivals such as Amazon, Google, DeepMind and others are eager and active to optimize their chatbot systems and make them more efficient, secure and easier to use. Google presented its new AI GEMINI in December 2023, with which the company wants to catch up in the race for users – or better: start to overtake them.

In conversation with Austria’s SEO veteran Michael Kohlfürst questions Otto Koller, editor Media manager, what shifts chatbot systems will bring to traditional search engines. Kohlfürst has been an SEO expert from the very beginning and has been on a first-name basis with Google & Co since 1996. In 1999 he founded PromoMasters as Austria’s first company specializing in search engine optimization.

He is a speaker at DMEXCO, SEOcampixx and many other top online marketing events. He is also a popular conversation partner in media such as the Boosting website, MedienManager, Salzburger Nachrichten, Oberösterreichische Nachrichten and the ORF. He is recognized and popular as a speaker for Austrian universities of applied sciences, the WIFI and for workshops.

Sustainability in event management

How do events become more sustainable and what does that have to do with digitalization?

In this conversation between the long-time… Event manager and author Nils Cordell and Media Manager Publisher Otto Kolleris about the question of how events become more sustainable and what that has to do with digitalization.

Together with co-author Heiner Weigand, Nils Cordell wrote the book “Sustainability in Event Management” for a target group that has largely been left out of previous publications: the people in companies, organizations and clubs who are faced with the challenge of meeting the requirements of the Implement management level or existing sustainability strategies. Last but not least, the book also answers specific questions such as: How exactly can you start a more sustainable event? Where are the biggest levers? Where are the pitfalls lurking? What practical examples (usually surprisingly easy to implement) does the market currently offer?

Questions & Contact:

Otto Koller MBA
Publisher Media Manager
Mobil +43 2628 48331

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