Private rentals are increasing, the Facebook real estate market is booming

Private rentals are increasing, the Facebook real estate market is booming

Immobilienring Austria: Research housing market rent

Vienna-Salzburg (OTS) For years, 70 percent of apartments renting up to 750 euros in Klagenfurt, Innsbruck and Salzburg have been offered by private individuals. While the range of 750 to 1,250 euros was predominantly for brokers until 2022, the private share has now multiplied. In Salzburg city in particular, this rose from 25 to 75 percent. Georg Spiegelfeld, President of the Austrian Real Estate Ring, recommends to landlords: “There are many traps waiting. The tenant himself is supported by tenant protection organizations, the landlord needs the real estate agent at his side.“ Service packages from Immobilienring brokers for commercial landlords were well received right from the start and are also offered to private landlords, adds Vice President Thomas Lainer. Since the introduction of the ordering principle, advertisements for rental apartments in Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck and Eisenstadt have halved, but the real estate market on Facebook is booming.

In recent years, many private individuals have bought one or two apartments as an investment to rent out or have inherited their parents’ apartment which is rented out. This change is also reflected in the research “Rental apartment market: offers from private individuals and brokers” for the real estate ring, which Andrea Baidinger, Bauen leben Immobilien Kommunikationberatung, carries out regularly, most recently in April 2024.

70% private rental in Salzburg, Innsbruck Klagenfurt up to 750 euros

Of all advertised rental apartments up to 750 euros, around 70% are privately advertised in Klagenfurt, Innsbruck and Salzburg, around 40% in Vienna and Linz, and 15-20% in St. Pölten, Graz and Eisenstadt. “In terms of the proportion of private advertisements up to 750 euros, we have not seen any serious differences year-on-year since 2022,” says Baidinger. “Basically, we can say that cheaper apartments are predominantly offered privately and in the higher-priced segment by brokers,” says Spiegelfeld. “The private rental of apartments up to 1,250 euros has also increased since 2022,” Spiegelfeld continued. Apartments starting at 1,250 euros are mainly offered by real estate agents.

Increase in private rentals in the area 750 euros to 1,250 euros – Salzburg city 75%

While in 2022 private advertisements in the range of 750 euros to 1,250 euros only had a share of over 30% in Klagenfurt and Innsbruck, in 2024 the share has multiplied in all state capitals – only Innsbruck remained the same at 40%. In St. Pölten the proportion of private advertisements rose from 2% to 12%, in Vienna from 2% to 16%, in Graz from 6% to 15%, Eisenstadt from 8% to 30%, Klagenfurt from 31% to 45% and Linz from 12% to 22%. The change in Salzburg city is striking. Since 2022, the proportion of private rental apartment advertisements has increased from 25% to 75%. “When renting out a single apartment, it is essential to consult a real estate agent, at least for selecting tenants and drawing up the rental agreement“, advises Georg Spiegelfeld. A wrong time limit of one day could create an indefinite tenancy. Incorrect index or inflation clauses are void. Every outdated or immoral clause in a rental agreement results in a fine of 700 euros per clause, explains Spiegelfeld.

Increase in private rentals in the area 750 euros to 1,250 euros – Salzburg city 75%

While in 2022 private advertisements in the range of 750 euros to 1,250 euros only had a share of over 30% in Klagenfurt and Innsbruck, in 2024 the share has multiplied in all state capitals – only Innsbruck remained the same at 40%. In St. Pölten the proportion of private advertisements rose from 2% to 12%, in Vienna from 2% to 16%, in Graz from 6% to 15%, Eisenstadt from 8% to 30%, Klagenfurt from 31% to 45% and Linz from 12% to 22%. The change in Salzburg city is striking. Since 2022, the proportion of private rental apartment advertisements has increased from 25% to 75%. “It is essential to consult a real estate agent when renting out a single apartment, at least for selecting tenants and drawing up the rental agreement,” advises Georg Spiegelfeld. A wrong time limit of one day could create an indefinite tenancy. Incorrect index or inflation clauses are void. Since the Supreme Court decisions about 15 years ago, outdated or immoral clauses in a rental agreement can result in a fine of 700 euros per clause, explains Spiegelfeld.

Fees for real estate agents pay off

“The fee for real estate agents is worth it because there are many pitfalls when renting. It is easy to lose track of the many regulations and a single mistake can be very expensive for owners,” warns Spiegelfeld urgently. The tenant himself is supported by tenant protection organizations, the landlord needs the real estate agent at his side, says Spiegelfeld. Real estate agents are liable for their activities like experts. All real estate ring agents must have taken out liability insurance against financial losses. Private landlords generally do not have these, Spiegelfeld continues. Experts estimate that around a quarter of rent increases are incorrect.

Service packages from brokers for commercial landlords are well received – also for private individuals

Before the introduction of the buyer principle, our iR brokers developed service packages for commercial landlords in order to provide them with more intensive support in selecting and supporting their tenants“, adds Thomas Lainer, Vice President of the Immobilienring Austria. The offers, from tenant selection to credit checks, rent levels, rental agreement creation, apartment handover with documentation, index calculation, up to the re-registration of consumption meters for electricity, water, heating and the like, were well received by commercial landlords right from the start. “These packages can now also be used by private landlords. The time saved in finding a high-quality tenant is enormous, and all steps are carried out and documented. This not only creates security for the landlord, but also for the tenants“, explains Lainer.

Lainer recommends that those looking for an apartment contact the respective brokers for the apartment offer directly via the portal, because since the ordering principle applies, there are no costs for the tenant. This while at the same time taking advantage of all the advantages listed for the tenants.

Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck and Eisenstadt: Advertisements rent up to €1,500 halved

Since the introduction of the ordering principle from July 2023 to April 2024, advertisements on platforms for rental apartments in Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck and Eisenstadt have halved. “These are rental apartments up to 1,500 euros. In the higher-priced segment from 1,500 euros, the supply of rental apartments remained unchanged compared to previous years,” sums up Andrea Baidinger from Bauen Wohnen Immobilien Kommunikationberatung, which carried out the research for the Immobilienring Austria. In St. Pölten, Linz, Graz, Klagenfurt and Bregenz, the offering on the platforms in the low and higher price segment remained the same as in previous years, Baidinger continues.

Real estate market on Facebook is booming

The offers for apartments in Vienna, Salzburg and Innsbruck have not disappeared from the market, but have moved to Facebook“, adds Baidinger. A real estate market has developed on Facebook over the last five years, which is still largely used by private users, but is increasingly being used by professional providers. “In our research we see well over 100 private or public groups offering properties for rent and sale. The number of real estate group members has more than doubled in the last three years“, adds Baidinger. “We currently estimate that they have over 1.4 million members, around a quarter of them in Viennese groups,” says Baidinger. Instagram is also being discovered by Austrian brokers and is being used more and more. “Some brokerage companies afford it “There is a big difference between professional social media work with internal employees or external support, because without a concept, participating on the side has hardly any effect,” says Baidinger

The younger generation in particular has more affinity for social media channels than for classic web portals. Searching for or offering residential properties is quicker and gives a feeling of more freedom; some people also think they are in a legal vacuum“says Baidinger. Lainer adds that the rents offered privately are often far excessive and do not comply with the legal regulations. Lainer urges you to be careful, especially with how you handle your own data. Lainer points out that anyone who looks for or offers their apartment through the agent is protected. Because they are liable for their services, private individuals are not.

Real Estate Ring Austria

The member companies of the Immobilienring Österreich are independent companies that have formed themselves as an association and work together throughout Austria. In order to join the Austrian Real Estate Ring, brokers must have been active on the market for at least five years, have a fixed office location with a professional office structure, have a broker’s license, have liability insurance against financial losses and of course be committed to the broker’s code of honor. They work under a common understanding of quality standards and responsibility towards their clients. Further information at:

Questions & Contact:

Andrea Baidinger, Press Office Immobilienring Austria

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